The Agency of The Future

Episode 7 February 24, 2022 00:58:18
The Agency of The Future
The Agency Hour
The Agency of The Future

Feb 24 2022 | 00:58:18


Hosted By

Troy Dean Johnny Flash

Show Notes

What does the agency of the future look like? This week on The Agency Hour, Join Johnny Flash and I LIVE, as we discuss what it means to 'Own the board'

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The Agency Hour - Ep 7 - The Agency Of The Future 
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 People need to start thinking, how do I become the most valuable monkey in the circus? Mm-hmm <affirmative> how do I, and it doesn't mean you have to add more services. I wanna be clear about this. It doesn't mean you need to all of a sudden start running ads for your clients. If that's not the game that you wanna be in. But I think what you should be able to do is consult provide a blueprint or a sequence or templates or examples or best practices of ads. And then at least be able to refer to a trusted partner and still own the relationship with the client, because here's the truth of it. If you are working with a client and they need ads and you don't provide ads, they will Google and they will research and they'll find someone else to run their ads. And if that person starts running ads and then starts saying, we need to do some CRO on the website, because this website you had built by Johnny flash is pretty and it's fast, but it's not optimized for, for conversions. So we are gonna take that over all of a sudden in three months time, your client calls you and cancels their care plan because they've signed up for a care plan with this other guy who's running their ads and has become more valuable than you. Speaker 1 00:01:03 If you have a vision for the agency you want to build, then we want to help you build it. Welcome to the agency. Our podcast brought to you by agency Mavericks. Speaker 0 00:01:12 So welcome to the, uh, the agency, almost our, as Pete, as Pete Perry has renamed it. Speaker 2 00:01:18 Nice. Almost. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:01:20 Hey, what was your, before we dive in, what was your highlight of, uh, of Magcon Speaker 2 00:01:26 Man? Well, I, I think we're gonna talk about it today, but I've just been thinking about like, what does it look to just totally flip the script and not be the, not be the website provider or the SEO provider or the PPC provider, but just, you know, having, which I already do have a couple of niches that we have more clients in than others, but we do have kind of a, a wide range of clients, but, you know, packaging up an offer. That's just so good that you kind of become this category of one, uh, where, you know, you're not competing on price. Cuz I think a lot of the services that agencies offer there's generally like a commoditization, right? Where mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know, it's like, oh your SEO service and my SEO service, which one's cheaper. Okay, I'm gonna go with that one or, you know, whatever the thing is. Speaker 2 00:02:11 And so there's this like tendency to race to the bottom. Um, it happened even to me just today, I had talked with a client this morning about a website that said, Hey, it's gonna this brochure, website's gonna be in the six K range. And then, uh, they emailed me like an hour or two later and like, Hey, well the person who did our, our website previously, like years ago said it would be $3,000 for them to update the photos and the text on it. And obviously it wasn't an apples to apples comparison cause I was gonna build a new website and they were just gonna update pictures and photos for $3,000. But um, still, it was, it was just kind of that reminder that there's this race to the bottom with price. Yeah. When it's just, when everyone's competing with basically similar service, even though it wasn't exactly the same, you know, that's Speaker 0 00:02:54 Right. Uh, the, the it's really, it's really funny. Like I was attending the event right. As an attendee and also spoke, uh, uh, did a keynote presentation, which I'm gonna share with you guys in a minute and also, uh, facilitated a couple of other conversations. But for the most part, I was an attendee at the event. Right. And the event was themed. Uh, no, there is no plan B right? There is no plan B, this is a line in the sand we move forward. There's no going back right. There is, we are all in. And as an attendee, I had this presentation called agency of the future. Uh, then, uh, the guy, I can't remember his name from search labs came in and did a present mark Irvine, mark Irvine came in and did a presentation where he basically, um, in a nutshell said, you know, instead of offering SEO and paper click as, or, or SEO and AdWords as two services, which are commoditized, mm-hmm, <affirmative> really simple way of just putting them together and offering a search solution. Speaker 0 00:03:52 Because what we know is that the fastest way to get traffic from search is to pay for it the longer, more sustainable. And, and I think kind of the healthier way is to have good SEO, but it takes time. It can take months to get good traffic from SEO, Noah Britain, who's listening in, will attest to that. There he's ranking really well now for, uh, uh, web design saddle or whatever the keyword is. Um, but it's taken him months to get there in the short term, if you need traffic, AdWords is a great way to get targeted traffic. So combining those two services and providing a search solution, which is strategy, audit, planning, ads, and SEO, that's now way more valuable and you can't then go and compare that to the person down the road, doing SEO because, and, and just putting a name on it. Speaker 0 00:04:37 We've got a search solution. It's not just, it's not just SEO. Right? And then Emily Hirsch came in and did a presentation called the new era of digital marketing and full transparency. Emily Hirsch and her team at Hersh marketing run our Facebook ads for us, uh, their communication and, uh, their whole team has been amazing. She is just an absolute pocket rocket. And she was saying that really the way to do this is to not just offer ads, but to become more valuable to your clients. And the day before I think, or it might have even been like during her talk at may have gone, we got an email from her team saying, Hey, by the way, we are now gonna pick up 80% of the heavy lifting for your undone marketing activities at no extra cost. So they're clear about what they don't do is they don't build new funnels from scratch, but they're gonna look at our entire marketing and audit it and fix what needs fixing, because we don't have time or resources to do it. Speaker 0 00:05:39 Right. Yeah. And she's figured out a way to build her team out and, and optimize her processes so that she can do that at a profit, which goes right back to mm-hmm <affirmative>. I remember Christina Romero said to me, one of the first things she printed out and put up in her office, what is, was, uh, a, a quote that I said back in 2013 or something, which is our job as entrepreneurs, is to figure out how to add value to our clients, optimize our processes internally so that we can extract a profit from the delivery. And that's never been truer now because it is so competitive that just going out and offering websites and SEO and paper click is not enough. You are a commodity, doesn't matter how good you are at it. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:06:22 Yeah, yeah, definitely. And I think, um, you know, I was, I was thinking about this, you know, it's like, you can have, uh, I've been reading, uh, Alex Moore's book and you know, one of the examples that he gives in there is he's like, you can have a course creator's, you know, course or whatever, right. Or some, you know, something like that. Um, sales, a sales course, right. You could have a sales course and it might be like $19. You could have a sales course for sales professionals and maybe you could sell it for $99. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> you could have a sales course for sales professionals doing B to B business, you know, uh, sales mm-hmm <affirmative> and maybe that could sell for 4 99. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and then you could, and you could keep kind of the more you niche that then you become this category of one where you could charge, you know, 2000, 3000, 5,000 for this course, that is basically the same content as the $19 one. Right. I mean, the, the principles are basically the same, but you're, you've, you've applied it to a very specific niche, um, you know, and stuff. And so it just, some of those types of things are just really like fascinating when you start to think about it. Speaker 0 00:07:33 Yeah. And, and, and it is, you know, he studied a lot. We talk about Alex homo in a minute, he studied a lot with Dan Kennedy. And one of the things that Dan Kennedy talks about is, I mean, the old school copy direct response copywriter, but one of the things he talks about is the way to the way to the way to sell in a vacuum and have no competition is to invent the category right. That you're selling in because then you own it. And so, yeah, like being super specific about the problem you solve the content, like I've been saying this for years, nothing's changed since the Roman empire really. I mean, I know that I know people laugh when I say that, but like, there's this great, there's this great scene in the life of Brian, right? Monty Python's life of Brian, one of my favorite films, because I'm a bit twisted like that, there's this great scene where this, this guy is like trying to buy a hat at a market to put on his head and disguise himself, or, or it's a jacket or something to try and disguise himself. Speaker 0 00:08:25 Cause he's being chased. And the, the, the guy at the market's like, oh, it'll be whatever it is, you know, 20 pounds or whatever. And he says, no, he here's the money. And he's like, well, hang on a second. You're supposed to haggle with me. You can't just give me what I want and take the jacket. You're supposed to haggle. That's the whole point. And he's like, I don't have time to haggle. He's like, fine. I'll give you five pounds. He's like five pounds. Well, that's an insult. And he's like, I don't wanna hang or take the 20. And I look at that scene and I'm like, nothing has changed in the way the human beings interact when it comes to business, since the Roman empire, it's just the delivery. And so if you think about, you know, uh, the, the, I had a Voxer conversation with Sammy, Jay, actually, uh, one of our past Mavericks who's out, out in California. Speaker 0 00:09:04 And I said, you know, if you think about, you are already answering questions for your clients and solving problems for them, why don't you just document it and turn into an official playbook and put it in your library of resources, which you can then offer your V I P clients. And it becomes way more valuable. I'm gonna show you an example of this in a moment mm-hmm <affirmative>. And so I think, I just think the mindset needs to be, uh, you know, people need to start thinking, how do I become the most valuable monkey in the circus? Mm-hmm <affirmative> how do I, and it doesn't mean you have to add more services. I wanna be clear about this. It doesn't mean you need to all of a sudden start running ads for your clients. If that's not the game that you wanna be in. But I think what you should be able to do is consult provide a blueprint or a sequence or templates or examples, or best practices of ads. Speaker 0 00:09:50 And then at least be able to refer to a trusted partner and still own the relationship with the client, because here's the truth of it. If you are working with a client and they need ads and you don't provide ads, they will Google and they will research and they'll find someone else to run their ads. And if that person starts running ads and then start saying, we need to do some CRO on the website, because this website you had built by Johnny flash is pretty, and it's fast, but it's not optimized for, for conversions. So we are gonna take that over all of a sudden, in three months time, your client calls you and cancels their care plan, because they've signed up for a care plan with this other guy who's running their ads and it's become more valuable than you. Speaker 2 00:10:28 Yeah. Yeah. Well, and I think, you know, people want that value, right? It's like, um, I think in the book he uses the example of like, you know, you can pay for a gym membership and it's what $99 a month. And you can go and you can, and what are the two basic premises, uh, exercise and eat healthy. Right? And if you do those things, you're gonna lose weight. You're gonna be in better shape and all that, but there's a lot of work involved and it takes a while, right? It's not gonna be this instant thing, or you can go do the lipo suction treatment or whatever. Right. And it's gonna be $25,000. And like, you know, you're gonna come home this afternoon and the weight's gonna be gone. Right. But that's like, that's because it's all, there's, there's not a lot of friction. There's not a lot of work. Speaker 2 00:11:07 It's, it's easy to do, you know? And so the more that we can do stuff for our clients, whether it's make the phone ring or get the sales up or, you know, whatever it is. And, and they don't, and the quicker we can do it and you know, everything, then the quicker they get the results, then the higher the price we can charge. And so it just, it just kind of the sky's the limit, right? I mean, how fast can you deliver it and how much can you deliver? And so if you have your ad template already set up and you know, these ads work for this kind of doctor who's in this profession and cuz you did it for these three doctors over here. Now you've got a doctor in this part of the country. You clone that up. He pays the, the huge deposit or whatever it is, you know, you activate those ads. Now the phone's ringing like tomorrow and he's like, whoa, what is Johnny flash doing here? You know, this is like amazing. And then all of a sudden, like, you know, he's bought in, he gets the quick win that he needs. And now he's ready to sign for that 20, 30, 40, $50,000 a year program that you have that helps the phone ring nonstop for his type of doctor or whatever. Right. Speaker 0 00:12:08 Correct. And I, I, I'm gonna share my screen in a minute, but I also just wanna say this that, you know, I, I hear a lot of, uh, a lot of agency owners are saying, well, I, I, I don't wanna start a coaching program. You are already delivering a coaching program to your clients. Speaker 2 00:12:20 Right? Speaker 0 00:12:21 Right. Every time you talk to them on the phone, you're giving them advice. You you've already got a coaching program. They're just not paying for it. So I'm not saying you need to go out your clients and say, Hey, we're starting a coaching program. You should come join our coaching program. What I'm saying is that the, in my opinion, the care plan is like, I don't know, a lot of us have made good money and good recurring revenue of the care plan. And you, you are living proof of that. But I think the care plan for me is now like fodder. It's like, if you wanna just go eat hay in the paddock, there's the care plan. If you wanna grow the growth plan is the new care plan, right? Yeah. Yeah. And the growth plan is two grand a month because we are just gonna help you grow. Speaker 0 00:12:57 And by the way, all that care plan stuff, we're just gonna do it as part of it. That's just a given. Right. So I think it's, and, and because what, and I'll walk you through an example of this at the moment. I think what happens is clients on a care plan, they call up and they start having a conversation about, well, I'm not getting, you know, how do we get better rankings? How do we get more traffic on Google? How do we get on page one of Google? All of a sudden you are educating them and giving them free advice in the hope that they're then gonna sign onto an SEO plan. Yeah. And what I'm suggesting is let's get 'em on that thing to begin with where the advice that we give them is included and we get them results. Because the other thing I've learned is that it doesn't matter how much you teach people. What, you know, they don't have time to implement it. People are ti way time, poor. They just want an outcome, which is why they'll pay 25 grand for low Lippo suction rather than yeah. Spend six months in the gym. Right? Speaker 2 00:13:47 Yeah. Yeah. I, one of my, one of my aunts on Julie's side of the family just did the Lippo suction thing, like literally within the last like month or whatever, cuz I saw her, I was like, oh my goodness, what happened? Like she's a lot smaller. And then Julie was like, oh, that's, you know, that's what she did. Yeah. Um, and so it was it's that instant result, you know? And so I think the more we can deliver that, I mean, I think two thousand's low 2000 a month is low now. It's like, yeah, that's right. Why, why isn't it four grand a month? Why isn't it five grand a month? Because if I can make the phone ring every single day and, and add all these customers or whatever it is, the whatever the businesses, I mean it's worth way more than the 5,000 because you know, you, you could be adding six figures of revenue to the business every month. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so 5,000 sure. I'll pay 5,000 all day every month, you know? Yeah. Um, Speaker 0 00:14:36 Yeah. So, um, and you know, it's um, uh, people will, it's like the lottery, you know? Well, I was on a sales huddle this morning and Emily said that they, she, they won $23 in the, in the lottery, uh, last night, which is awesome. Cost them 15 bucks to buy the ticket, but they won $23 in lottery, Speaker 2 00:14:54 Gas, all the Speaker 0 00:14:55 Things. Right. Yeah. Right. And I've never, I've never bought lottery tickets because like, like the odds are just stacked against you. Right. I it's like for me like poker machine, like so bit of context, Melbourne where I live is like, we have more problem gamblers than anywhere else in the world per head of population. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, I'm not, I'm not proud of that. And my grandpa, I used to watch my grandpa every day. He lived with us for a period of time after my grandma passed away and every day my grandpa would get up and he'd make breakfast and he'd sit down at the table and he'd look at the form guide, which is basically the, the analysis of the horses that were racing that day. And then he would go down and he'd put some bets on and he wasn't a, he just did it for fun. Speaker 0 00:15:32 Right. But I watched him do that and I watched my mom buy lottery tickets every week. And I'm like, and then when I moved to Melbourne, I started playing gigs at the casino. And I watched these people just pumping money into the poker machines. I'm like, you do realize that these machines are programmed to only ever pay out 85% of what they take. That's a public fact. Everyone knows that mm-hmm <affirmative> so, so 15% of whatever goes into the poker machines, they keep. So statistically speaking, I put a hundred bucks in on average, I'm only ever getting 85 back. Sure. It doesn't make any sense to me. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> but people want the shortcut mm-hmm <affirmative> and that's why they're willing to pay for the opportunity to try. And every now and then the jackpot goes off, but the machines are also programmed to give you a quick win. Yeah. Oh wow. I just, oh wow. Just put five bucks in now I've got 20 mm-hmm <affirmative> and then 150 bucks later. You, you go the ATM machine to get some more money out, right? Yeah. So the psychology works. Hey, I think I should share my screen. Sure. Um, and I'll skip through, um, I'm just gonna skip through this. If I share my screen, there we go. Agency of the future. Speaker 2 00:16:38 Do we still have the, uh, minor side? Do we still have the duplicate slides in this deck that, um, the Alex story that appears twice once at the beginning, once toward the end? Speaker 0 00:16:49 I dunno. Speaker 2 00:16:50 Okay. Well, I'm not sure. Just a reminder that it, it appears, uh, twice in the deck. I think you meant to use it the second time and not the first, but okay. Um, just as it Speaker 0 00:16:58 Up. Cool. Actually I think I meant to use it both times. And then I think I noticed that, that they weren't in there. Anyway, the point of this is the, the philosophy here is to own the board, right? If you've ever played monopoly, you know, the way to win monopoly is to basically have a hotel on every property, cuz then everyone, every time someone lands on your property, they're paying you money. So the idea here is to own the board. And the way to think about this is to think about where your clients are before they interact with you and where they're going next mm-hmm <affirmative>. So when I started my agency, when I started freelancing years ago, I realized the quickest way for me to build my network. And this is for anyone who needs clients, by the way, here's a little hack for you. Speaker 0 00:17:36 The quickest way to do this is to think where have they been before me? They might have been to a graphic designer to get their logo done. They might have been to a printer to print their letterhead. They might have been to an accountant to talk about their business. They might have been to a lawyer to get some employment contracts drawn up. They might have been to a recruitment agency, right? And where are they going? After they speak to me, they might be going to an SEO agency. They might be going to an ad agency cuz I didn't provide those services at the time. They might be going to a copywriter. So I go, here's an idea. Referral based marketing would tell you to go and talk to the printers and the graphic designers and the accountants and the lawyers and the SEO agencies and that agencies and copywriters and introduce yourself. Speaker 0 00:18:17 I get a better idea cuz why are you introducing yourself? Oh, hello. I'm a web designer. You are a printer. You should send me leads. That's where that conversation ends. Right? I get a better idea. Hi my name's Troy. You're a printer. I have a buddy of mine. Who's a graphic designer. I reckon you guys should meet cuz you guys do good work. They do amazing work and you can probably refer work to each other. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and they're like, oh wow. You're amazing. Who are you, Troy? What do you do? I'm glad you asked. I'm a web designer. Oh, can you tell me more about that? I'm glad you asked. Yes I can. And I picked up heaps of referrals from introducing people to each other. Mm-hmm <affirmative> who were in my customer pathway. Right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> so concept is on the board. Why this is important is because as we've been saying everything you do to make revenue has been devalued by the market and is now essentially a commodity mm-hmm <affirmative> let me prove my point. Speaker 0 00:19:06 I'm a dentist. Let me let's pretend that I'm a dentist and I live in Australia and I just type in dentist website into Google. This is, these are real screenshots, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> I land on the first thing I see as an ad for dental web AU. Right? Great URL. I click on the ad and uh, here it is. Now I'm assuming the ad works. Otherwise they wouldn't still be running it. Okay. Unless they're just philanthropic and wanna give Google lots of money. <laugh> uh, so I click on the ad. I land here, dental website design and SEO from only $999 plus GST click here to get a free quote in 24 hours confusing because you're telling me it only cost $999, but you're gonna gimme a free quote. Well, anyway, I'm, I'm sure it works in some way. The point is, and I dunno who these people are and I'm not sure if that's a stock image or if that really is the dentist and his receptionist. Speaker 0 00:19:54 I dunno. And, and I'm, I'm sorry. And I don't care. The point is I hope I'm not offending anyone, but the point is I'm a dentist now and I'm conditioned to believe that a website and SEO should cost $999. And I come and talk to Johnny flash and he's pitching me eight grand for a website and 1500 bucks a month for SEO. And I'm like, you just said it before, right? Like, well the guy down the road said, he's gonna do it for $999. Okay. So it's a commodity. Now this might be a loss leader. They might just be doing this to get people in the door and start a conversation that doesn't matter as a dentist. I'm now conditioned to think that these things are worth. This website and SEO are worth $999. PE I also then just Googled lawyer website typed in lawyer website and Google told me this people also ask how much does a lawyer website cost and Zavian legal Speaker 0 00:20:45 Again, I don't know them. Sorry. I don't mean to offend anyone. Uh, they've got an article here about, uh, you know, how much should a law firm website cost and in bold, the first thing I see here is between 1,504 grand. I'm a lawyer. I'm a small legal firm. Cool. I that's fine. I can spend four grand on a website and now Johnny flasher telling me it's gonna be 12 grand for a website and 1500 bucks a month for a growth plan. There's a disconnect in my expectations and what you are offering. Okay. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, Google trends search for these particular terms from 2004 until now, which is since they've been tracking Google trends, right? Web design has plummeted. Now this is just to give you a bit of context. This is not volume. This is volume as it's relative to other search terms. Speaker 0 00:21:27 So people might still be, there might be more people searching for web design now than they were in 2004. But comparatively to other search terms, the trend has dropped dramatically. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, mm-hmm <affirmative> SEO on the other hand is going up, right? Because people realize that a website without SEO is kind of useless. In fact, SEO is more valuable than a website. It's like no point having a great website if no one comes to it, right? Uh, ad agencies going down. Why? Because people are searching more for things like conversion rate optimization and Roaz and lead gen. Why? Like, why do people, why are more people now searching for lead gen and Roaz as opposed to ad agency? Hmm. Because lead gen and Roaz is actually what they want. Mm-hmm <affirmative> I don't care. Who does it like an ad agency's the vehicle. And we've all been burnt by ad agencies. Speaker 0 00:22:16 They're the vehicle that are gonna get me RO as and lead gen. Right? So with that in mind, this, the, the point of this is you've gotta understand the conversation that people are having in their mind. Right? And Al Reese famously said the single most wasteful thing you can do in marketing is try to change a mind. So, which is, I think what we do a lot is we come in as an agency and we try to change their mind rather than, and, and they're already having a conversation. It's very difficult to debate someone to change their beliefs. People will defend their beliefs violently, right. They will defend what they believe because what they believe forms part of their identity. So instead of changing their mind, let's just change the conversation. Let's just get them out of the conversation they're having and get them into a new conversation where they don't know what they believe. Speaker 0 00:23:10 Okay. So what does that mean? Well, it all comes down to what it is you are offering. So lemme tell you a story about Alex hormo. Alex started out, uh, he had a gym when he was in his early twenties. I mean, listening to his story now and learning more about Alex. I think he must have been about 15 when he started his, his gyms, cuz he's just achieved so much by the age of, you know, 27 or 28 or whatever, whatever he was when he, when he achieved this success, it's incredible. He was selling a gym membership for $99 a month. That's what you do when you open a gym, right? You put a sign up in the door and you say gym membership, $99 a month. By the way, when you come in and you join right, you, we will give you a one-on-one session with a personal trainer. Speaker 0 00:23:49 We'll give you a customized workout program and a nutrition plan tailored to your goals. If you wanna lose weight, we're gonna cut the carbs. If you wanna bulk up, we're gonna eat more pasta. And that is included as part of your $99 a month. Gym membership. The problem is everyone sells a gym membership. And the only thing you've got to compete on is price mm-hmm <affirmative>. So he figured out pretty quickly, this is a race to the bottom and he was struggling to sell gym membership for $99 a month, no matter how much value he added in it. That was the he, the offer is I'm selling a gym membership for $99 a month. That's the offer. And guess what? Nobody wants a gym membership who wants to join a gym. I don't Speaker 2 00:24:29 Wanna join a, they wanna lose the weight and gain the muscle, but they don't wanna do the work, you know? Correct. They want have to show up every day for an that's right hour, Speaker 0 00:24:35 Right? Nobody wants to join a gym. They wanna get in shape. They wanna look better. They wanna be more attractive. That's what they want. They wanna feel better about themselves and be more attractive, right? That's what they want. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. So he pivoted to selling $2,000 transformations, which include a one-on-one session with a personal trainer, a customized workout program, based on what you wanna achieve a nutrition plan with the ingredients shopping list, which he already had. Anyway, he'd already built that. So here's your nutrition plan. Here's a shopping list to go shopping to whole foods and buy the shit you need. And here's the meal plan. Here are the recipes go home and cook this right? A 15 minute check in with your PT every 30 days to make sure you're on track. And that I made that up by the way. And they threw in six months of membership to their facility, also known as a gym mm-hmm <affirmative> right now the conversation is if, if you get a hundred people come in and join your gym at $99 a month, how much money have you made? Okay. Let's right. I say, let's break the numbers down. You get 20 people to come in and join your gym in a month, which is about the 2000, Speaker 2 00:25:41 By the way, 2000, Speaker 0 00:25:42 There you go. Right? So 20 people join your gym at a hundred bucks a month. That's 2000 a month and it is recurring. But the average life expectancy, a gym own is gonna be about somewhere between three and five months. Right? Cuz they're gonna bail cuz they're not gonna do the work and it's gonna be too hard and they're gonna go get ction instead. Right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> if you sell 20 customers at $2,000, how much have we made? Speaker 2 00:26:06 How many did you say? Speaker 0 00:26:07 20 at $2,000, Speaker 2 00:26:09 Then we made 40,000, right? Speaker 0 00:26:10 40 grand. So we've gone from making $2,000 a month. Mm-hmm <affirmative> by selling $99 memberships to, to making $40,000 a month. Right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> by, by pivoting, not what we do. Just the message. You're not buying a, we don't sell gym memberships. In fact, he then said, you can't come in here and just buy a gym membership. The only way you can join our facility is a $2,000 starting point. Right? And, and, and by the way, he, he worked out that it takes about six months to get results so that the client's really happy with their outcome. Mm-hmm <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative>. And so instead of selling $99 a month for an average of three to five months. So the lifetime value of the customer is about somewhere between three and 500 bikes. He's now got the lifetime value up to 2000, which is a three X revenue. Speaker 0 00:26:59 Mm-hmm <affirmative> he's not doing anything more to deliver value. So his profit margins are, are way higher now because he's basically delivering the same stuff. Right? Totally blew up his business. He then pivoted to selling this to other gyms mm-hmm <affirmative> and he did the research and went, Hmm. The most expensive gym coach on the planet is five grand. I wanna be at least three times that expensive mm-hmm <affirmative>. And he knew that the average gym owner. So he, he was, he was doing about 40 grand a month in his gym. Right. He knew that the average gym owner was making about $35,000 a year net. And the average gym owner for him has assigned lease at least one staff member and a hundred members in their gym. Mm-hmm <affirmative> right. And they're taken home about 35 grand a year and the signed lease and the, and the employee was important because that shows they're committed and they have to make it work. So he came in and went, okay, I'm 16 grand. What, what he used to do by the way, he's he used to fly. He here's what I want. He's Speaker 2 00:28:03 He would fly out to gyms and he would do, he would, he would go to these gyms and he would say, you've gotta change this. You've gotta do this. You've gotta do all these things. Right. And he'd be doing it one night after another, you know, on the road constantly. And after doing, I can't remember how many, he said what, like a few dozen of those. He was like, I am spent with this. I am done fine. And he was, was so cooked that he was like, I don't even want to go out to the next gym that I have in my schedule because I'm just tired of traveling and stuff. So I'm gonna just tell them and say, here's your money back. I I'm done with, I, I don't have time to do this anymore. And they, they were like begging him to, to still come or do it. Speaker 2 00:28:39 And he is like, well, I'll tell you what, I'm not gonna be able to go out there, but I can, I can do it all remotely. I can tell you what you need to do. So it's kind of a done with you and kind of a, a, some of it done for you, some of it done with you, right? And so you're gonna need to do these things and I'm gonna do this, these things on our end and there's still the same cost and everything. And then he had success and they were still getting the crazy results and everything. So he is like, oh wow. Now I can, this is really gonna blow up because he wasn't limited by him flying from Jim to Jim. Right, Speaker 0 00:29:09 Correct. A hundred percent. And what he used to do when he, so the model was, he used to go to the gyms and say, we'll, we'll completely transform your business model. And we'll take the first month's revenue. Mm-hmm <affirmative> but now you've got a system. So every month now you sell your 20 clients at two grand each that's your revenue, but I'm gonna take the first month's revenue. And he was on, he was on average. He was getting about 45 to 50 K per client in that first month's revenue. Right? So then he put this program together and he said, I, he did it online. As, as Johnny said, he pivoted there because he didn't wanna travel anymore. And so now his program is, is 16 grand to start for 16 weeks. And what he basically does is completely changes your business model. They run the ads, um, they get you a whole bunch of clients teach you how to sell. Speaker 0 00:29:50 'em change your delivery. Uh, once you've been to that 16 weeks, he converts 35% of those clients into a three year contract at 42 grand a year. Mm-hmm <affirmative> now think about it. I'm a gym owner. I make 35 grand a year. I've just POed up 16 of that. Half of what I earn a year to, for this bozo to come in with these clowns for 16 weeks and fix my business. And at the end of that 16 weeks, one out of every three, say yes, Alex, no, Alex, three bags full Alex. I'll do whatever you say, because you're a fucking magician. Here's 42 grand a year. Don't let it stop. Right. <laugh> right. Here's don't let it stop. Here's 42 grand a year for three years. That's more than I used to earn in a year. And I've just committed to giving you that for three years. Speaker 0 00:30:34 Right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, he's now doing about $4 million a month in revenue. Yeah. It's crazy. Previously, Jim coaches were getting paid five grand. Now why, why is this different? Because he's not a gym coach. Mm-hmm <affirmative> right. He's like a growth partner for Jims. Now. I'm sure there's plenty of skeletons in the closet behind the scenes. And this story looks like a fairy tale on the front end. The point I'm trying to make is that you've you already have assets in your business that you in your agency that you are not leveraging. Okay. So what I wanna do is I wanna walk you through an example here. Uh, uh, the first thing you need to do is ask your clients what they want. Okay? That's like rule number one is ask your clients what they want. I guarantee you, they don't want a website. They don't want SEO. Speaker 0 00:31:21 They don't want ads. They're all things that they need. They're all vehicles to help them get what they want. What do they want? Ask your clients what they want. The way I do that is I just, we have a large Facebook group, as you know, you're in it right now. Uh, if you're not in it, you should join. If you're listening to this on a podcast, you should join the digital Mavericks Facebook group. I put a post up here recently. I'm curious, what's your dream outcome for your agency? Go search this in the group. Uh, 13 comments, 1500 post reach that I'm not really interested in the volume there. What I'm interested in is the responses. And everyone basically said, I wanna make more money and work 20 hours a week. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, that's what people want. Right? So we now have to figure out how we can PO because we actually can help people get there. Speaker 0 00:32:04 But on the front end, what we are selling, it looks like coaching at a mastermind, right? So we are pivoting our message, cuz there's all this other stuff we do. Like we help, we help place staff. We help document processes. We build sales pipelines, but we don't talk about that. That stuff we do once you join the gym. So what we're doing now is taking all the stuff as an agency owner, correct? We're now putting that stuff front and center and talking about that. And by the way, you're happy to get access to a coach and a squadron for accountability. And you can come join our live events and there are calls, but that stuff is kind of secondary. The next thing you need. So, so get some Intel on your clients. What is their dream outcome? Right? The next thing you wanna do is find out every problem they have, that's stopping them, achieving their dream outcome, right? Speaker 0 00:32:50 And for us, it's typically around while I'm either need clients or I'm overwhelmed with work and I need to hire someone or my processes are a shit show, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, someone I'm coaching at the moment, uh, privately who, uh, is targeting dental practices, says, uh, posted this on, on her actual Facebook profile. Anyone on my friend list know any dental practice owners looking to interview a few for some research I'm doing, she's exactly what she's doing is trying to find out what they want, what problems they have turns out a relative of hers works at a dental practice around the corner that she didn't even know about. And so she's now got, uh, she's now tapped into a dental practice owner and she's gonna get on a phone call, not sell them anything. Just do some research to get some Intel. Yeah, love it. Speaker 0 00:33:29 The next thing you wanna do is write out a simple, how to document. I'm gonna show you how to do this in a minute. I'm gonna show you an example of one that we've done. Write out a simple, how to document for every one of those problems, right? Just a one or two pager that explains how to solve those problems. It doesn't mean you need to offer a service to solve those problems. Let me show you an example. Um, I Googled, if I was serving dentists, one of the problems I happen to know they have, because I'm fortunate enough to be inside of hundreds of agencies. And I hear these things is they wanna increase the lifetime value of their patients. They're sick of looking in mouths and doing $350 appointments, a hundred dollars. I wanna do cosmetic, right? That's right. They wanna do cosmetic cosmetic dentistry because that's where the money is. So I just Googled increased dental lifetime value. Now I don't know shit about this. I'm not, I don't work in the dental space and I have no interest in doing that, but there's a hard there. I mean, you know, hundred 14.9 million results here. I just took the top three to five articles on each topic. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and put them together into an epic how to guide, which if I just share my other screen, I'm just gonna stop this screen for a second. Speaker 2 00:34:36 Well, you even just had somebody else put it together for you, right, Speaker 0 00:34:38 Troy. Right. So correct. We just hired a, a copywriter, right? Uh, Beck major, who is one of our Maverick Simon major. It's his daughter. We just hired her and said, Hey, Beck, put this guide together for me. Will you? I, I, I have no use for this other than to show you guys an example. That's the only reason I did it. I'm not gonna use this. I'm not gonna give this to any dentists. Right? I just did this to prove that you can get this done in less than 24 hours. Here are the blog posts, give it to your copywriter. And then Beck put this amazing guide together, uh, which talks about, uh, how to maximize your marketing efforts by increasing your lifetime value. The more money a patient spends with you, the more you can spend to acquire them, right? Here's a formula for actually working out their patient lifetime value, which they probably don't know how to benchmark, uh, how to figure it out. Speaker 0 00:35:24 Episodic versus lifelong care. I have no idea what that means, but it doesn't matter, uh, seven ways to increase patient lifetime value. Now, if this is we, we, we I'm actually gonna put this through the process and get it turned into a branded playbook. That's gonna look like it comes from Maverick's club. We're never gonna give this to dentists. The point is I wanna show agencies. If you build out a library of playbooks and best practices and frameworks and templates like this, you can offer these to your V I P growth clients who are on a growth plan, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative>, it doesn't mean you have to teach them how to do this or do it for them. You can just share this information with them in the, in the effort of becoming the most valuable monkey in their circus. And if you, for example, if you were sharing this around CRO for eCommerce and you didn't wanna do CRO, you would share these best practices and then refer them to a trusted partner to get the CRO done. It doesn't mean you have to provide all the services. Okay. Speaker 2 00:36:21 I think, I think something just to point out with this example and with even Alex's story, is that like, your niche is super important in terms of, you know, not just saying, Hey, I serve small businesses. Like that's too broad in terms of, you know, these great offers working really well. You know? And so I think, um, I think really focusing in this is what I've been thinking about is like specifically, what's your niche? You know, he had said, what was it? Uh, Jim, Jim owners who have a hundred, um, members hundred members Have a lease. And I don't know, there was some other Speaker 0 00:36:59 Staff member, Speaker 2 00:37:01 One staff member, one at least one staff member. Right. And so like, he had a very well defined thing, you know, I think, uh, with the stuff that you're doing, Troy, you have a very clear, targeted, narrow down niche, you know, mm-hmm <affirmative> and I think that that's super important in terms of like putting together these offers and these solving the problems, you know, it might not even be just dental practices, right. It might be dental practices that have at least this much staff or doing this much revenue or, you know, this kind of thing. And so you've got this like very clear target of like who you're helping and where you're gonna take them. Speaker 0 00:37:34 Right. Yeah. And I, I will say it doesn't necessarily have to be an industry, right. It can be a mm-hmm <affirmative>, it can be a psychographic target audience. For example, you could be working with service providers who want to product ties, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, Brian, Castle's done a pretty good job of this. Um, you could, you could, you could do digital marketing and web and coaching and advice and guidance for service providers who want to productize because they're sick of doing client services. Cause it's a hard business model to scale. So it doesn't necess and that could be accountants could be lawyers, professional service providers, financial planners. It doesn't necessarily have to be a particular industry, right? It could be authors, authors are not necessarily a vertical cuz you can have business authors, you can have life authors, you can have fiction authors, authors who want to, uh, position themselves for speaking work. Well, that's a kind of a psychographic niche because they want the same outcome, but they might work across a whole bunch of different industries. So don't, I'm just saying don't get trapped in, in kind of, Speaker 2 00:38:33 And even within that psychograph you might have certain requirements, right. That they are at a certain level or whatever, you know? Speaker 0 00:38:39 Yeah. Correct. So combine the top three to five articles on each, this become and, and put it into an epic how to guide and then this becomes your content marketing. So, you know, if you, if you go look at the, the great content, marketers are the big software companies. So if you Google increased dental lifetime value, some of those articles will come from dental software companies, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative>. And what they're trying to do is use the best practices in the industry to position themselves as a trusted source of information. So you go read the article on their website and go who's this company and you go it's patient pop, what do they do? Oh, they're an online marketing company software for dental practices. Right? So finding the software company, HubSpot are great at this. Their content is amazing because they sell software. So do the research on the software companies that becomes your content marketing and also becomes one of your pillars of transformation. Speaker 0 00:39:27 So one of your pillars of transformation could be for dentists. And I'll show you an example this in a minute, is we help you increase the spend of your existing clients, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, very simply have three pillars of transformation and then three stepping stones within each pillar. So you've basically got nine topics of conversation that you can have with your clients to bring them into your world and nine data points that you can use to add value. And then what we do is craft a customized offer for each client using the three pillars. Let me show you an example for you, client X, we will get more eyeballs on your website and then behind the scenes. You and I know that we do that through SEO. We don't talk about SEO to the client. We just say, we're gonna get more eyeballs on your website. Speaker 0 00:40:13 We're gonna turn those eyeballs into patients. Mm-hmm <affirmative> by using lead capture and email marketing, and we're gonna increase the lifetime value of those patients by teaching you how to do sales or, or helping you do sales or training, you had to do sales or having our partner come in and train. You had to do sales, right? But for client F, this is for client X, for client F we're gonna help you increase the lifetime value of your existing patients because they've already got an existing database. So using email marketings and no brainer there, we're gonna get more patients without spending more on ads by putting a referral system in your business. And we're gonna get more trusted leads from Google, using reviews and reputation management, different offer, same type of client, same delivery. The, the offer is just customized based on what the client has told us. Speaker 0 00:40:59 They're struggling within the strategy call and in the discovery part of the sales process. Right? Love it. You don't. Now, if you are already doing websites, SEO, lead capture, email marketing, reputation management, you don't need to change anything that you are currently doing. You just customize the offer based on what the client tells you, right? And here's the delivery of all of this. You might be going well, that's great, but we signed them on how do we deliver it? Well, it's a combination of the existing done for you services that you already offer. So websites, SEO, playbooks, frameworks, and templates in your library that you offer your VIP clients, which we've just shown you and a bit of consulting, coaching, and guidance. And this is where everyone freaks out and goes, ah, I don't wanna be a coach. I'm not now. That's not what you're, Speaker 2 00:41:39 But you're just getting paid for what you're already doing. Speaker 0 00:41:41 You're already doing it. You're already doing it by, by teaching your clients. And encourag 'em to take action based on your advice, you are already coaching them, right? Just don't call it coaching, call it guidance, call it advice. Say we, your trusted growth partner, we will guide you on this pathway. We are your guide. Here are the frameworks and templates. Here's the stuff we are gonna do. Here's the stuff you are gonna do, but here's the frameworks and the templates to go get that done, right? That becomes way more valuable than just selling websites and SEO. So here's an example of some of the nine things that you could do for tradies. We'll fix your slow broken website. We'll increase traffic from Google. We'll get more leads from your website, teach you how to convert. Those leads into customers, help you increase the lifetime value of your customers, improve the onboarding process for new customers and the collection of their information. Speaker 0 00:42:27 You and I know we're gonna do that with gravity forms and air table or whatever, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative>, mm-hmm, <affirmative> uh, give you a proven social media posting schedule that takes less than 15 minutes per month. That's either a beautiful Canver template with a calendar or, you know, a, a video on how to use hoot suite, uh, give you a proven job, add templates to help you hire your next team member. I, and you might say, well, I don't know how to do that. Well, that's okay. Just go to Google and figure it out and put it together into an epic guide based on best practices, right? It's you just gotta be creative. The only reason I know that this would be useful to a trad is because I know the problems that tradies have because I've been inside agencies that serve tradies, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative>. Speaker 0 00:43:06 So just to recap that story, like here's the proof in the pudding? Uh, I think this is why I had him in here twice. Here's the proof of, of, of the pudding, like pivoting the offer is what helps you become the most valuable monkey in the circus and cracks, open your revenue opportunities. What we've learned is that agencies do not want coaching. The post that we put up in our groups and the, uh, the emails that we send agencies never come back to us and say, I woke up in the middle of the night, last night in a cold sweat, because I realize I want coaching, right? What they want is they wanna hire their next team member to delegate stuff to, which is why we are rolling out team accelerator. If you need a team member, get on the phone with us and have a conversation and we'll just hire someone and place them in your agency, you don't pay us. Speaker 0 00:43:48 They're your employee, right? Uh, they wanna sell more stuff to pay for their team. That's why we are rolling out sales accelerator to teach them how to sell and install a pipeline in their business. And they wanna sort out their processes, which is why next year, we're gonna roll out ops accelerator, which is a done for you. We'll just document your processes. We're actually testing that at the moment and building that at the moment with some VIP clients next year, we're actually gonna make that a, a, a, a separate offering. So you just give us your shit and we document the processes and get it back to you so that your ops are done. You can then hire team members to deliver value. We teach you how to sell more stuff, rock and roll. Right? Love it. No nowhere in there. Do we mention coaching? You happen to get access to coaching mm-hmm <affirmative> and accountability and support, but we're not selling coaching. We're selling the results. So, as we said yesterday at, at MACOM, your homework is to ask your clients what they want and where they are stuck, and then test some new offers without having to change what you actually do. Mm-hmm <affirmative> okay. Mm-hmm <affirmative> love it makes sense. Speaker 2 00:44:44 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:44:46 Then we had break time, which was sponsored by go WP. Speaker 2 00:44:49 The amazing thing was we did all that, and that was probably what, 30, 40 minutes of Mav con that we did for seven hours for two days, you know? And I just think it, there were so many great things that, you know, that we had in Mav con, and this was just like, we're just giving a little sliver taste of, of that, you know? And so it was, it was amazing. It was really great. Mm. Speaker 0 00:45:12 And, um, and the guy, sorry, what's the guy's name from search labs, Speaker 2 00:45:15 Mark Irvine, Speaker 0 00:45:16 Mark Irvine. You know, he, he did this presentation on, on the same day that I did, uh, agency of the future. And he was basically saying, you know, SEO's a commodity ads is a commodity, combine them together into a search solution. All of a sudden you've got something unique. I was like, oh my God, that is just such a simple, practical way of thinking about it. Like, websites are a commodity, SEO's a commodity, combine them and call them something else, like a, you know, a lead gen solution or a, and it's not all about Speaker 2 00:45:46 Leads, lead steroid injector or whatever. Yes. Sales, Speaker 0 00:45:49 Right? Yeah. The lead steroid injector, 2.0, uh, you know what I mean, setting up recruitment funnels for accounting firms was something that I used to do accounting. One of the big problems that accounting firms have. And I only know this because I asked them is getting good candidates out of, at a, at a college. Right? And so we actually set up a recruitment funnel for, because they, they would go to a recruitment firm and pay, you know, 12 grand for an accounting graduate and put 'em into a cadet program, cadetship or whatever. Um, and we set up a recruitment funnel. The smart accounting practice is that constantly recruiting. And so that's a re that's a, you know, Hey, we'll replace your recruitment firm. What do you spend on recruitment a year at the moment, 72 grand, a year to hire six candidates. And, and they have like a success rate of maybe 50%, cuz here's the thing. Speaker 0 00:46:35 Recruitment firms have a vested interest in making sure your candidates don't actually work. Cuz then you go back and hire another one, six months later, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> we don't, we, we don't our vested interest is making sure those candidates work. So let's build a recruitment funnel and, and, and give you all the templates you need and teach you how to, you know, interview those candidates and manage them. And I'll get into that whole kind of space because I don't have a vested interest in your recruits failing. I have a vested interest in them succeeding. So you think I'm a magician, so you end up paying me more for my services, right? And we just built that through websites and targeted ads for, uh, for recruiting candidates. So same shit. I'm doing the same stuff. We just call it something different on the front end, which is more, a more compelling offer rather than, you know, wow. We'll build a website and a lead capture form for your candidates. The accounts don't understand that. Speaker 2 00:47:22 Mm-hmm <affirmative> love it. Love it. Speaker 0 00:47:25 Uh, cool. So, um, I'd love to hear some questions. If anyone's got any questions, let us know in the comments and uh, we'll make sure we keep this conversation going. So where are you at Johnny? What are you thinking about? Like you said that your wheels have been spinning for the last, uh, 24 hours after MACOM. What are you considering or what have you, what assets have you got in your business that you're not leveraging? Speaker 2 00:47:45 So I've got, I've got two niches that I feel like are good possibilities. One is like all the churches, cause I've already got a ton of churches and I'm actually, I was on a, literally was on a call, uh, on Monday morning with the church and they basically have all these issues and I was just asking them questions about what the problems were, which I already know where they are. Cause I've been in this world for a long time. And then they're basically like, wow, you really understand this. Like, yes, that's what, but all of that is what we need. I didn't say any price. I, it was like a, basically like a triage call. Right. And, uh, and so it was like, as I've been like going through this book and then agency of the future and all this stuff, I'm like, this would be like the perfect candidate to try to pitch some kind of like fee, you know, to initial fee and then some kind of ongoing fee to solve their problems. Speaker 2 00:48:33 Cuz they've got, you know, they need to improve their visitor experience. They've got mm-hmm <affirmative> they need to increase their online giving. They want more people to show up and visit the church and try it out. Mm-hmm <affirmative> like all these different things, you know? And uh, and, and so I think there's just so there's tons of opportunity there. And then on the other side is all these home service contractors, you know, that, um, that we've done stuff for and had great success, you know, and have testimonials saying because of what Johnny did. I, you know, I'm getting three to five leads per day that all lead to business, you know, a work for my business. Um, and I'm like, shoot, I should have charged a lot more for that. <laugh> you know, and, uh, you're talking about the resources on the church side. I mean, I've got, I've got a whole six week course that I put together on church communication. Speaker 2 00:49:20 Mm-hmm, <affirmative> all these of church communication, all these other things that are all these other things that are like, Hey, we're just gonna throw that in. Right. As part of this larger thing, I've got templates, I've got years of examples of stuff that works, you know? Um, and so, I mean, I feel like it's just like, it's like, it's a gold mine, but you can't compete against another church communication course or this kind of thing, because it's a race to the bottom for the lowest price for all that stuff. Right. But if it was like, Hey, I'm gonna have 10 new visitors show up at your church every week from now for the next three months. Right. And it's gonna be this cost and I have the ad templates set up and I have this and I fix the stuff on their website and make sure their visitor experience is good and all that mm-hmm <affirmative> and then they're like, oh shoot. Wow. We just had all these visitors show up, you know, this weekend, you know? I mean, so those, these are the kind of things that I'm like having going through my mind after kind of like having this mindset shift. Speaker 0 00:50:11 Yeah. And so you, you are, remember when you were in back in the day when you were in rockstar empires and you did that course for church communications, you've got a, you've got like a vault of like a whole G drive of those templates and those mm-hmm <affirmative> that stuff mm-hmm <affirmative> um, you know, the way I think about this is I start, I, I, I start one problem at a time. I go cool. So we can get more people to turn up to the church, but then we realize that the VI, the new visitor experience is not world class, Speaker 2 00:50:36 So right. So then they don't stick around. Speaker 0 00:50:38 Right, right. So, so I'll tell you what guys, here's a, here's a 10 minute loom video that walks you through a script of how to welcome new visitors to the church. Right? Here's the script, here's the template. Here's what to do. And here's a little video that, that teaches you how to do it. Come back to me after next weekend and tell me how it went. Right? And once you make that video once, and you've got that template once you've then got that in the bank, and you can roll that out for, that's a problem that you've now solved and you can roll it out for every new, uh, church. Once you've got your ad templates done, you've got your copy done again. You just put that in the library and you just roll that out next time. And then every time the church comes to you and says, well, you know, the problem we have now is this, how do we position the donation sequence? Speaker 0 00:51:21 Right? You go, well, cool. I've got experience. I know how to do this. Like, here's the best practices for how to position a donation sequence. So we get more donations. Here's the template. Here's the script. Here's when to do it in the, in the service, here's the right timing. Here's the methodology. Here's a little 10 minute loo video. I'm not gonna come and do it for you. You've gotta do it, but I'm gonna teach you how to do it. Right. Right. And you, like, you already know this stuff, we're just not leveraging it. Right. So don't try and, Speaker 2 00:51:46 And Speaker 0 00:51:46 I'm charging, solve all their problems at once. Just, just solve one problem at a time. Well, Speaker 2 00:51:50 I was just gonna say, and I'm charging these I'm, this is exactly what I'm already kind of doing in the sense that like, churches will come to me with these problems. I'll say, Hey, let's do some, let's do some paid discovery first. Right. And all I literally do is walk them through. I, I send them the template and a couple videos from my course just like picked out for their problem. I send it to 'em and then I say, do this homework. We have a call to like, go over it and walk through it or whatever, and then give 'em some more assignments. They keep paying me, you know, discovery consulting, but I'm like, I'm like, and then they're like, wow, you're asking the right questions. Like, as if like, they're surprised that I know all the challenges that they have, and I'm like, man, I could be charging so much more for this because if they, if they actually fix these things or I help them fix them, then it's gonna make a huge difference in their church. Speaker 2 00:52:35 Um, yeah. So that, that's all the stuff that I've been thinking about. You know? And I think even in the church world, there's a lot of different size churches, there's churches that are structured different. So, you know, even within that, I would find like the specific size or type of church, you know, in a suburban area, you know, cuz if you're in a super rural area, it's hard to get 10 visitors to show up and there's only 10 people in the county. Right. Or whatever mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know? Um, so there's like a certain demographic within churches that I've like cracked that nut. And so I just need to put the offer together to really, you know, it'll be something that doesn't exist right now, you know, in terms of that. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:53:14 That's right. Speaker 2 00:53:15 Yeah. You can hire the generosity consultant and he helps you get your giving up in your church, but he doesn't fix the, the visitor problem or the communications problems and all these other things, you know, you can hire someone that knows communication, but they're not gonna fix all these other things. Yeah. And so it's like, this is like kind of the whole thing, right? Speaker 0 00:53:31 Yeah. Yeah. Even like setting up their, their, their PD, their slide templates in Canver and going, Hey, here's your church branding. It's all set up in Canver every, like here's a whole bunch of pre-written, uh, you know, services that we have that you can use. But when you, if you've, if they've got someone working for them internally, who does their slides, you go, cool. Just come in here. Here's all your branding all done in Canver pump this out every week. Here are your slides everywhere. I don't know if they use slides, but you know, that kinda example, Speaker 2 00:53:55 Slides Detroit. I have a website called open where I've literally got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Sur, they call 'em sermon graphics, you know, where you can download 'em for free. That is just something that I've been running for. Like the last 10 or 15 years, just on the sides. I've got literally like thousands of church pastors on an email list from all these free things that we've been giving out, dude. And I'm just like, I'm just like, oh, I'm just like sitting here thinking like, why haven't I, you know, leverage this? Speaker 0 00:54:26 Yeah. You're sitting on a gold mine. Speaker 2 00:54:28 Yeah. So Speaker 0 00:54:28 Yeah. And then you become like Speaker 2 00:54:30 You become to do Speaker 0 00:54:31 Well, you become their mission growth partner. Don't you, rather than a web agency who, who just happens to do all the stuff that a web agency would do, but we are way more valuable than that because you know, we are helping you spread the word and achieve your mission, Speaker 2 00:54:44 Right. Amplify their impact. Speaker 0 00:54:45 Right. Correct. Amplify the impact, man. It was the achieve we're right back to 2016 now aren't we, Speaker 2 00:54:51 You know, <laugh> Speaker 0 00:54:52 Come full circle. Right. And um, so what I realize now is that like, there are plenty of agency coaches and there are plenty of coaching companies who, sorry, lemme start again. There are plenty of coaching companies who start an agency within like Dave Ramsey, like a big part of their revenue is B2B creative services. So mm-hmm, <affirmative>, they will, you know, you need a website, they've got a do digital department that will do B2B digital marketing and, and stuff for their clients. So they're effectively a coaching company, but they have a whole bunch of services internally that they also deliver for their B2B clients. So that's kind of where my head's at now is as a coaching company, we are kind of pivoting more back towards the agency model, which is super fun. And as an agency, I think you need to wrap in some kind of coaching element. Speaker 0 00:55:39 If you're just not comfortable with coaching, then just don't call it coaching, call it consulting or guidance or whatever you wanna call it, mentoring or whatever. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> the point is the more value you add and the more problems you solve, the more you'll get paid. And the, and my thinking is to build a brick wall around that client. So they don't go looking anywhere else for a solution. They just come to you. Even if you can't do it for them, you can provide them with the resources or connect them with the trusted partner. And you still own the relationship with that client. You know what Alex did really well in the gym space was he, when he started flying out to those gyms, it was on his own dime. He would fly in, he would pay for the hotels. He would pay for his own flights and accommodation. Speaker 0 00:56:19 He would run the ads for the first month. Right. He would pay everything. He was, you know, at one point that had a big launch and he was spending three grand a day on ads for this big launch. And he had no money. He was absolutely broke. He was getting into debt at, at a rate of three grand a day. And, uh, he made a hundred grand within 30 days. Right. It was like mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah, happy days. Um, and that was a game changer for him. So, but the point is he was willing to accept that personal responsibility and go, I'm gonna take responsibility for this. Don't worry about it. I got it. And the person who's willing to take the most accept, the most responsibility will win because most people don't want the responsibility cuz it's too hard and it's scary. Right. Yeah. Totally interesting. Cool, cool, dude. Speaker 2 00:57:03 I could talk about this for hours. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:57:05 Honestly, Speaker 2 00:57:05 I know. So good. This Speaker 0 00:57:06 Is so good. And we will, we will over time. Just not today. <laugh> yeah. <laugh> um, Hey man, thanks for hanging out in the agency hour, uh, here in, uh, the digital MAs Facebook group, it's super fun. And again, just a huge shout out to you and, and the whole team for leading, uh, ma con over the last couple of days. It was just amazing. Speaker 2 00:57:22 Yeah. It was a team effort. It was awesome. It was awesome. And good to hang out with you, Troy. Thanks for having me on the agency hour and uh, everybody in the Facebook group, YouTube podcast, wherever you're you're watching. Um, super great to hang out with you guys. Speaker 0 00:57:35 Cool. All right. We'll do it again soon. Uh, and looking forward to the travel restrictions being over so we can come and I can come and give you a hug sometime, man. Speaker 2 00:57:41 <laugh> yeah. Speaker 0 00:57:43 All right, dude. Cool. Thanks Johnny. Thanks. We'll see you again next week, everyone. Speaker 1 00:57:47 Thanks for listening to the agency hour podcast, subscribe at apple podcasts, Spotify pocket, audible, and wherever you like to listen, you can catch all of the agency hour episodes on our YouTube channel, Mavericks, or you can get involved, check out our free digital Mavericks Facebook group, where we broadcast these episodes live for our community every week, along with a ton of free training. We'll see you there.

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