The Right Conversations

Episode 11 February 25, 2022 00:53:04
The Right Conversations
The Agency Hour
The Right Conversations

Feb 25 2022 | 00:53:04


Hosted By

Troy Dean Johnny Flash

Show Notes

On todays episode, Pete and Troy discuss why you don’t need to change what you do for clients, but you do need to change the way you talk about what you do.

They also answer all of your questions about our new training, The Godfather Method - Designed to will help you become entirely clear about who you serve and craft an offer they can’t refuse. We guarantee you will close more deals if you apply this method. 

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The Agency Hour - Ep 11 - The Right Conversations 
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Can I have a pizza? Yes, no problem. That'll be $12 for the pizza, but for an extra $7, we'll put some toppings on it. We'll heat it up. We'll cut it. And we'll put it in a box and you can take it away. But just for the 12 bucks, here's some dough. Speaker 1 00:00:18 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:00:19 Right. That's what that looks like. It's like Southwest airlines. Can I get a plane ticket? Yes. Would you like a seat? Yes, that's extra, right. Would you like to be guaranteed to be on the plane? Yes. That's extra. Uh, do you wanna bring a bag with you? Yes, that's extra. Would you like a seat belt? So you don't, you know? Yes. That's extra. Would you like one of the, uh, in cabin people to actually welcome you and say hello to you when you get on the plate? Yes. That's extra. Like nobody wants to pay for the extra shit. So my friend Simon Bowen calls this, the I should bloody hope so line right. Is a line in your service offering, right? That is like everything below the line is I should bloody hope so. Right. And the, the problem with care plans is that nobody wants to pay extra for the website to not disappear and to be hacked and not backed up. I expect that I expect my pizza to be hot, have nice toppings, be cut in a box so I can take it away and eat it on the park bench with Oscar. I don't expect to have to go and put the toppings on it myself and then try and find oven somewhere or stick it under the sun to cook it. Right. I that's what I expect. Nobody expects your website, their website. They don't expect to pay extra to have it updated. Speaker 2 00:01:35 If you have a vision for the agency you want to build, then we want to help you build it. Welcome to the agency. Our podcast brought to you by agency Mavericks, Speaker 0 00:01:44 Dude, what's going on? Hello, your Speaker 1 00:01:46 Brother. I'm doing all right in a, uh, in a little touch of irony. I am starting to learn the I on my base. I'm starting to learn the song that I broke my Achilles to <laugh> Speaker 0 00:01:56 <laugh> listen to the music of the debut brothers, right? Is that Speaker 1 00:02:00 Right? No, it was, uh, it was, uh, B blister in the sun, Speaker 0 00:02:04 Blister in the sun. Oh yeah. So hi, welcome to the agency hour. Live here in the digital face. This is Speaker 1 00:02:14 The music hour through, this is the music Speaker 0 00:02:15 Hour. That's right. In this episode of the agency hour, we're gonna do a couple of things I'm gonna, I'm going to, you're gonna watch me use a calculator. That's exciting. I might even try and do it on the iPad. And, uh, we're going to, I'm gonna do a bit of a deeper dive. I put up a live, uh, uh, I think it was last week, sometime around the UVP cheat sheet. I'm gonna do a bit of a deeper dive on that. And I want Pete to challenge me. He doesn't know that yet, but I want Pete Speaker 1 00:02:42 Challenge. I'm coming in blind here. Speaker 0 00:02:44 Uh, and what we're gonna do is I'm going to show you how you can at least double your revenue for the work you are already doing in the agency. And I know that sounds like bullshit, but, uh, stay with me, stay with me and, uh, I will approve it. I'm gonna share the calculator. Wow. Look at him. That's right. Welcome to math class kids. Tell me something. Do you know the, do you know the average globally? The average price of a website? Speaker 1 00:03:17 Oh, like, oh, globally, Speaker 0 00:03:20 Globally. So Speaker 1 00:03:21 We're taking into consideration like India and Speaker 0 00:03:24 Yep. Speaker 1 00:03:26 I'm gonna go with 800 average Speaker 0 00:03:28 $800. Okay. No, Speaker 1 00:03:30 No, probably higher than that. Probably higher than that. Probably probably 1500. I'll go with my final answer. $1,500. Speaker 0 00:03:36 There was a study done that took the average and we're talking a small business website here, right? Mm-hmm Speaker 1 00:03:42 <affirmative> Speaker 0 00:03:42 Okay. The average single a single page website ranges from 500 to $800. A template website ranges from 1500 to three grand and a custom website ranges from three to six, right from, uh, this is rhythm AU the, uh, the average cost of website designed for small business falls between 1,504 grand. So let's, let's put it in the middle of, let's say three grand for an average website right far out, man, three grand. I donunno how anyone can survive. So three grand for a website. Now tell me, Pete, when someone typically comes to you or one of the agencies that you know that we've worked with, uh, what else do they do apart from build a website? So small business owner, local dentist, or a vet or a, uh, local, whatever comes in and they want a website. What, what else might they do in the, let's say the 12 months that your let's say you work with 'em over a 12 month period. They build a website up front. What else might they want in that 12 month period? Speaker 1 00:04:48 So, uh, they're probably gonna get onto a maintenance plan of some sort Speaker 0 00:04:52 Uhhuh <affirmative>, Speaker 1 00:04:53 Uh, they're probably gonna want to do that. May they may not realize that they want to do it, but they're probably gonna need search engine optimization campaign. Speaker 0 00:05:02 Mm-hmm Speaker 1 00:05:02 <affirmative>, they're probably gonna want or need a content strategy and content plan and content campaign. Speaker 0 00:05:09 Okay. How much is the, how much is the maintenance plan gonna be? Let's start there. Speaker 1 00:05:13 $1,200 over the 12 months Speaker 0 00:05:15 Over the 12 months hundred bucks a month. Okay. So, uh, so 1200 for the maintenance plan. I'm gonna add that to the memory. Let me see if this works. Yes, it does. Genius. I could never figure that out in school. I was like, what, how come this, but how come this doesn't work? And then, um, now how, what percentage of local businesses are going to go onto an SEO plan? Speaker 1 00:05:39 Five to 10, Speaker 0 00:05:40 Five to 10%. Speaker 1 00:05:41 10%. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:42 Of clients are gonna go on Speaker 1 00:05:44 Understand the value, Speaker 0 00:05:45 Right? How, okay, so five to 10%. So let's say 10%, 10%. How many, you know what let's let's do the math here. We're gonna do, we're gonna build websites for $3,000. How many clients do you think we can? How many websites do you think we can manage in a year Speaker 1 00:05:59 At the average agency? Speaker 0 00:06:01 At $3,000? Speaker 1 00:06:03 Let's say one a Speaker 0 00:06:03 Month. One a month. Speaker 1 00:06:05 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:06 So that's 12, that's 36 grand a year in revenue just for websites. Right? I'm gonna be a bit more ambitious. I'm gonna double it. I'm gonna say we gonna do two a months. All right, right. I'm gonna say we can do two months fair. And just because I can. And, uh, then, so we've now done because we need the numbers to work out the percentages, right? So we've done 24 clients, 72 grand in websites now. And let's say that we pull a rabbit outta the hat and all of them go on a maintenance plan. And in fact, let's say that is a condition of working with us. Okay. Fair. We don't build a website unless you go on a care plan. Right. So that's 24 clients. Now let's just keep the math simple here. 24 clients at a hundred bucks a month on a care plan, right. They, 24 times a hundred, let's say that we all started at the start of the year and you know, they were all clients, right? So, uh, that's 28, 8 right now we're up to a hundred thousand $800 in revenue just in websites and, uh, and, and care plans, basically. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and you reckon 10% are gonna take us up on an SEO plan Speaker 1 00:07:09 On average. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:07:11 Okay. So we do, we work. Okay. So 24 clients, let's say we, we we're a magician and we get three of them on an SEO plan. Right. Which is a little more than 10%. And they're paying us how much for an SEO plan. Speaker 1 00:07:23 Let's keep it simple and say a thousand dollars Speaker 0 00:07:25 Thousand dollars a month. So we've got three clients paying a thousand dollars a month for an SEO plan. And let's say they all started at the start of the year. So now we're at 36 in SEO. Right? Add that to the memory. So now we're at 130, 6,800. Anything else that these clients are gonna buy from us? Speaker 1 00:07:42 Do you want there to be, Speaker 0 00:07:44 Well, are they gonna, well, what is the typical scenario? Is, are, are they going to, are we gonna do like an email template for them or, uh, you know, or, or his website's care plan and ACO is, is that, or we do 130, $6,800 for the year in total revenue, Roberts Lin saying a newsletter. Robert, how much do we charge for a newsletter and how many newsletters we're gonna do a year for how many clients give us the math here? Will you please? So 700 a month for the newsletters. Okay. And how many clients out of the 24 clients that we've, that we've onboarded 24 clients that we've built a website for? And we are, we've got them on a care plan. How many of those are on the 700 per month? 25%. Okay. Six. All right. Now we're getting somewhere great. We've got six by 700 a month. Speaker 0 00:08:38 And when time's out by 12, so that gives us another 50 grand a year in email newsletter or email marketing services. Okay. We're gonna add that to the memory. So we're now at 187,200 for the year in revenue. That's pretty good. Now, some clients are spending out of that 187,200. All, all of our clients are spending three grand on the website and, uh, 1200 a month on the care plans, right. And the rest. And some of them are spending money on ACL and some are on email marketing, but let's divide the 187,200 by the 24 clients and get the annual lifetime value of a client. Okay. You with me? Yep. Annual. So we're divide that annual Speaker 1 00:09:25 Client value Speaker 0 00:09:26 By 24 is 7,800. Is the annual someone write that down 7,800, $7,800 annual lifetime value for, uh, each client 24 clients over the year, uh, gets its annual lifetime value. Well done, look at that. And, and that gets us to the 187,200. So write that down as well, $187,200, $187,200 for that is annual revenue. Now that's pretty good. Right? A lot of people would be happy with 187,000, $200. If it's you as a solo entrepreneur and you have, you know, maybe you had a Speaker 1 00:10:05 Philippines or something Speaker 0 00:10:06 Yep. Developer working with you in the Philippines, uh, and doing like all the website stuff, the care plans. And, uh, and the EDM, uh, like managing the email templates and you were using a design service, uh, like a dear designer or a design pickle. And you had a really gun designer on your team there. Um, and you know, I mean, this is pretty good. You could, this could be profitable, right? You still have to sell 24 clients next year says Robert, well, Robert, well, stay with me, stay with me. <laugh> um, did Speaker 1 00:10:38 You, did you tell him to say that? Speaker 0 00:10:40 No, I didn't, but that is right, because you, you gotta sell the 24 clients next year because otherwise you're not gonna get the $3,000 for the websites. Right. Right. And the client's worth 7,200 are client's worth 7,800 a year. Client's worth 7,800 a year. Okay. So here's the switch. Okay. If we had 24 clients and instead of charging them $3,000 for the website and then a hundred dollars a month for a care plan, which nobody wants to pay for, because they don't like, I don't have to pay a hundred dollars a month for Google Chrome to be updated magically. I don't have to pay, uh, you know, I, when I, when I, when I have a, a W's website that might cost me, I don't know, 20 bucks a month or whatever, it's just automatically updated. And the software's automatically up to date and it's all backed up and it happens magically in the cloud. So why am I paying a hundred dollars a month for you to do what exactly? What do you do for a hundred dollars a month on a care plan? <affirmative> Speaker 1 00:11:43 We do all the things that Wix Wix does for free really <laugh> we update the software, we update the software, we update the, um, the plugins, which is part of the software. And we, uh, what's the word I'm looking for? Run backups, run daily backups or weekly backups or whatever we're running. And we maybe throw in a few extra plugins that we paid for, for security purposes or for caching purposes. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, so we speed things up. We keep things safe. We keep things backed up and then they get, they usually get a little bit of time from our team every month. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, that's what most people do. Speaker 0 00:12:24 Right. Robert says, keep their shaky ass WordPress site alive. Exactly. So that's pretty much, um, this is what, this is what this looks like. Right? Uh, this is what it looks like. If I'm buying pizza, can I have a pizza? Yes, no problem. That'll be $12 for the pizza, but for an extra $7, we'll put some toppings on it. We'll heat it up. We'll cut it. And we'll put it in a box and you can take it away. But just for the 12 bucks, here's some dough. Speaker 1 00:12:55 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:12:56 Right. That's what that looks like. It's like Southwest airlines. Can I get a plane ticket? Yes. Would you like a seat? Yes. That's extra. Right. Would you like to be guaranteed to be on the plane? Yes. That's extra. You wanna bring a bag with you? Yes. That's extra. Would you like a seatbelt? So you don't, you know? Yes. That's extra. Would you like one of the, uh, in cabin people to actually welcome you and say hello to you when you get on the plane? Yes. That's extra. Like nobody wants to pay for the extra shit. So my friend Simon Bowen calls this, the, I should bloody hope so line, right? There's a line in your service offering, right? That is like everything below the line is I should bloody hope so. Right. And the, the problem with care plans is that nobody wants to pay extra for the website to not disappear and to be hacked and not backed up. Speaker 0 00:13:47 I expect that I expect my pizza to be hot, have nice toppings, be cut in a box so I can take it away and eat it on the park bench with Oscar. I don't expect to have to go and put the toppings on it myself and then try and find oven somewhere or stick it under the sun to cook it. Right. I that's what I expect. Nobody expects your website, their website. They don't expect to pay extra to have it updated. Correct. So what, I'm what I'm suggesting, and we'll walk through the UVP cheat sheet in a minute to kind of help you figure out how to start framing this. Right. What I'm suggesting is that the care plan stuff is stuff that you just do for free. So I'm gonna take the a hundred dollars a month that you're earning from those, uh, 24 clients that $2,400 month you're earning from care plan. Speaker 0 00:14:33 They're gonna take that and burn it. We don't, we're gonna trash that, right? That is, we're no longer selling that we are giving that away for free. And I'll walk you through this in a moment. Now we've got 24 clients. We're also going to build them a website we're gonna redesign and build them their website. In this example, this is a very specific example where we've got dear designer designing our websites, and they're costing us a thousand dollars a month. We've got a, a really good developer, uh, in the Philippines, for example, who's doing all of our care plans and, uh, building, uh, two websites a month. And maybe they're costing us somewhere in the vicinity of, you know, 12 to 15 or to $1,800 a month, right. Full time. And your job is talking to the client, helping them design strategy, taking the brief, and then giving that brief to the developer and, and to dear design, it, maybe you've even got a project manager working with you. Speaker 0 00:15:23 Part-time to manage a couple of projects a month, right? And all the care plan stuff is just taken care of by your developer and the automations and something like managed WP or whatever you're using to speed that process up. So in this example, uh, what I'm suggesting is that the website could also be part of the package instead of paying $3,000 front for the website, dear client. And instead of having to pay a hundred dollars a month for a maintenance plan, which all those other dodgy web designers are trying to sell you just to make sure your website stays up to date and secure and backed up and doesn't disappear off the internet. Well, guess what? We just do that as part of the service for our insert fancy name of signature system here, clients, and it could be our dental rank, VIP clients. For example, I'm just gonna make this up to borrow from Nicholas Dolan who runs dental rank. Speaker 0 00:16:15 Thank you very much for playing along. Uh, as part of our dental rank clients, we will update your website. If it needs to be, uh, updated, we will just update the design of it. We'll we'll. If we think it, the design is hurting conversions, we will update the design. We will make sure it's super fast. We'll do some performance management on it. We'll make sure it's backed up and it's secure and all up to date. You don't have to worry about any of that. We're just gonna take care of all of that. Okay. We're also gonna, um, get you more rankings, uh, higher rankings on Google, and we're actually gonna make the phone ring more from traffic, from search, and we're also going to blah, blah, blah. Right? And I'll talk about this in the UVP cheat sheet in a moment. So our reset, the hardest thing to do in marketing is to change a mind. Speaker 0 00:16:59 So it's very difficult to sell a website, an SEO to a dentist for 1500 a month, because they're expecting that the whole thing's maybe gonna cost them three grand all up, right. And 1500 a month is very different to three grand. However, if we don't sell them a website and an SEO, we sell them something else, which I'll talk about in a moment. And it's actually quite easy to get them on a $1,500 a month plan. If we can show them that they're gonna get a return on that investment, right? And by the way, $1,500 a month is, sounds cheaper than four and a half grand up front, right. Even though 1500 a month is actually 18 grand for the year. It sounds cheaper than four and a half grand up front. So let just play along with me here for a second 24 clients at 1500 a month. Speaker 0 00:17:50 And you know what I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm not even gonna give you that much credit. I'm gonna say out of the 24 clients that we've got, that we are only going to be able to convert. Uh, let's say, what, what percentage of those do you think we're gonna be able to convert into a $1,500 a month plan? Okay. 60, 70, 60, 70. I, I, I'm gonna, I'm gonna suggest that if you convert one and a half a month, okay, if you convert one and a half a month into a $1,500 a month signature system, you're gonna end up with 18 clients spend a hundred a months, right? That's one and a half a month. I, I mean, I'm, I'm basically allowing you to be a blogger here. Okay. Do you know what a blogger is? Is that an Australian term ager is a slacker slacker, right? You can basically work two days a week and get one and a half clients a month onto a $1,500 a month signature system. So if you've got, if you end up with 18 clients at 1500 a month, you've got 27,000 a month in recurring revenue, 27,000 a month in recurring revenue, multiply that by 12 3 24, 320 4,000 a year in recurring revenue. Now what, where were we? We were Speaker 1 00:19:12 180 2, 180 7, 2 Speaker 0 00:19:14 We're at 180 7. So we're almost double, we're almost double. And guess what, Robert, you don't need to go and find another 18 clients next year to pay you $3,000 for the websites because they're on a $1,500 a month signature system, and you're just gonna update their website for them as part of it, same amount of work, less clients, more revenue right now. Let me prove the math here, because if we had the same amount of clients and we were doing the same amount of work, so 24 clients at 1500 a month, 36 grand a month in recurring revenue times that by 12 430, 2000 in recurring revenue divide, that by two gives you 216, and we were at 187. So we've more than doubled our revenue for the same work, for the same amount of clients. Right now, there's a couple of conditions here. The 10% of clients that took SEO that is no longer an option. Speaker 0 00:20:22 Everyone gets it. You just get it. It's not optional. It is pointless me building you a website without doing local SEO. If you're a local business, it's pointless, it's a vanity exercise. You can show your mom that you've got a nice website. It's pointless doing it. If we don't do SEO, we're not gonna do it without actually maintaining it and keeping it up to date and secure and back, that's all part of it, right? And it's also pointless having a website and driving traffic to it. If we're not capturing leads and emailing your list to get them to convert and getting some, you know, re remarketing to your existing list. So lead captures a no brainer, right? Email. Marketing's a no brainer. SEO, the website, the care plan. It's the same work that we were doing previously for the same amount of clients, more than double the revenue. Speaker 0 00:21:09 Okay. Are you spending 3000 per month for the talent to do the work and you are spending 3000 per month for the talent to do the work? Well, let's pretend here for a minute, Robert, that you're also, at this point, you're also gonna hire a part-time copywriter to write the emails for you. So let's say we are gonna spend another two grand a month on a good copywriter to write all of the campaigns for our clients, because we know what a welcome nurture sequence looks like for a new client. Who's never done this before. We kind of have that templated out. We give the brief to the copywriter, they write it once for the client it's done. And then we know what a biweekly or a monthly kind of email newsletter needs to look like to get people to either come back into the store, into the dental practice, back to the website, whatever the conversion point is. Speaker 0 00:21:57 So let's say we're gonna spend another 2000 a month on a copywriter because they're typically gonna be more expensive. Uh, it's still costing us say a thousand bucks a month for the design service. And let's say we are spending, you know, uh, uh, 1500 or 1800 a month, uh, on, on a developer, right? So 1800 a month for the developer plus, uh, two grand for a copywriter plus a thousand for, uh, is 4,800 times, uh, 12. So 57, 6 for the talent, not bad given the fact that we're over 400 in revenue. That's like, I mean, I would even say that you could spend, I would suggest that you could easily spend up to a hundred on the talent to service 420,000 or whatever it was in revenue. And you've still got heaps of margin there to run the business, pay for all the infrastructure, pay for the hosting, pay for the software and all the plug-ins that you need and pay yourself 150 a year as a, as a strategist salary, right? Speaker 0 00:22:56 Same amount of work, same number of clients. This make sense. Okay. So I did this, I did a live stream on this, uh, recently, but I'm gonna run through it again, the UVP cheat sheet, right? Let me just blow this up a little bit. We all know what a UVP is, right? And I'm telling you now, if you are selling websites and SEO and email marketing, in fact, before we do this, let's say I'm a dentist, right? And, uh, I want dental website and SEO, and I dunno what I'm doing, but I'm a dentist and I need a website and I think I need some SEO. And I come here I go, all right, what's this? We'll do the SEO from 450 a month. Page one in 90 days, 90 days sounds like a long time professional website designed for dentists. This looks pretty good. Dentist website design. Look at that dental website, design and SEO from only hundred $99. Now that doesn't say a month, that just says $999. And I'm asking someone to spend $1,500 a month on my signature system, on my, whatever. It's called the dental ranked version 4.8 or whatever, right? The dental patient Exploder. So the point I'm trying to make here is that if you're selling websites and SEO to clients, you are going to have to compete on price because the market has been conditioned to believe that that's all these things are worth sell Speaker 1 00:24:15 Commodities. You gotta sell it at commodity prices. Speaker 0 00:24:18 Correct? Exactly. So now let me come back to this cheat sheet here and walk you through it. So who are your ideal clients? You don't, it doesn't, you don't necessarily have to be in a vertical. Okay. It can be, it could be growth minded, small business owners, right. Or it could be marketing managers for nonprofits. All right. Who's your audience. If you don't know this, you've gotta do the work. You can't be everything to everyone all the time. Otherwise you end up just being your message is so freaking vague that it doesn't resonate with anyone. Okay. So who is your ideal client? It could be a, uh, really, um, motivated, driven action, taking marketing manager for a nonprofit who has no resources in house to do digital. All right. They're a perfect client by the way, because they understand what they need to do. They just have no resources to do it. Speaker 0 00:25:04 And they're actively looking for an agency to help them. So who's your ideal client. What is a long term problem that your clients can never seem to solve? I'm gonna walk you through an example in a minute for a dentist, but I'm just gonna walk through the framework here. What's a long term problem that your clients can never seem to solve in my world. The long term problem for agencies is all of their leads come from referrals. They just survive on referrals and word of mouth, which is ironic because agencies are in the business of generating leads for their clients, but they have trouble generating leads for themselves. So the long term problem is that they just rely on referrals. And when those referrals dry up, they're screwed. What is the ultimate outcome? Right? What, what is it that they actually want a dentist might wanna take? Speaker 0 00:25:47 Typically speaking dentists don't have great mental health because they work too hard and they spend their life looking in people's filthy mouths and I get it. And so what they want is they want, uh, more high profit services, cosmetic dentistry, whitening, Invisalign, all that kind of stuff, right? Because there's way more margin in that stuff than there is doing checkups and cheap fillings. What, what is their immediate issue? And so this is like, I also think of this as roadblocks. Like, why can't they achieve this? Why can't they move away from this long term problem and achieve their desired outcome on their own? What's stopping them. Right. Right. What is the, what's the IME? Well for a dentist, it might be I'm. I haven't got time. I'm working five and a half days a week. I don't have time to fix this myself. And then what, how are we gonna solve it? Speaker 0 00:26:34 So they don't have to. And I believe the, the, uh, real value and therefore the real revenue and the real profit is in a combination of done for you and information. Now, before I hear you all groaning going, oh, I don't wanna get into the consulting coaching space. You are already doing it right. Exactly. Every time you have a conversation with a client and they ask you, well, how long is it gonna take us to get on a page? One of Google, you are now coaching them and consulting because you are giving them your IP for free, right? The answer, the correct answer to that question is, I don't know, because I dunno enough about your business. Uh, I can answer that question for my clients because I spend enough time in my client's business and we do the analysis and we do the work, but I have no idea. Speaker 0 00:27:15 I can't answer that question for you. If we were a, if you were a client and we were working together, we would discover that that it's part of the process. So a combination of done for you and information is I believe the real value that you should be offering. And now here's the structure. Once you've kind of filled this in, this is how you write your UVP. And I just wanna park here for a second and say, your UVP is not something that you should say out loud with your mouth to another person in real life, because they'll think you're a robot and you're a bit weird. It's something that you should use. It's a, it's a structure and a framework that you should practice over and over and over again, so that you can say it. And it sounds organic and it sounds authentic. Speaker 0 00:28:00 And it sounds like you're having a conversation, right? Right. Uh, so we help target audience in pain with problem achieve desired outcome by using signature system, which is a combination of done for you and information, right? Let me walk you through an example. Target audience is dentists. Now you can even go deeper on that and say, target audience is, uh, dentists with at least two staff and or dentists who are looking to open another practice or dentists who are already doing seven figures a year, right. In, in revenue. So you could even get a little more specific around this, but for the sake of this, we'll say dentists, their problem is that they're doing low profit work, right? They're spending too much time in mouths doing low, low margin stuff. That's the problem bit like a lot of agencies, right on the tools doing low budget, low profit work, their desire is more cosmetic work. Speaker 0 00:28:58 Well, I actually think their desire is more profit and less time working. I actually think that's their desire. I actually think this is the vehicle that will get them there, right? So I think their desired outcome is actually same money, less time or less time, more profit. Really. That's what they want work less, more profit. The pain that they're in right now is that they're time poor cuz they're too busy with low profit services. So they're working five and a half days a week. And on the week and a half, they, the day, the Saturday afternoon and the Sunday they have off, they wanna spend time with the kids. They do not wanna be thinking about their, their business. And then guess what? Monday morning, eight o'clock they're back in it. Eight till five, Monday to Friday, they're in it. Eight till 12 Saturday. They're in it. Speaker 0 00:29:38 They're burning out. They don't have time. I can't take a cuz. They're the only doctor in the practice. They've got two nurses and a receptionist. They can't take a holiday. They're screwed. Right? Awful business model. They're completely screwed. They're on the treadmill and they're stuck and they haven't got time. They can't even take a day off to think about how to fix the problem. Right. What we would do for them is we would, uh, increase profits and free up one day per week by doing some stuff for them and giving them some information. And I'll let me just talk about that for a second. Right. What we would do for them, if you and I are talking backstage, we would say, you know, or in, in, in, in the green room we would say, well, cool, what we're gonna do? I mean, this is a no brainer. Speaker 0 00:30:20 It's like shooting fish in a barrel. We're gonna, uh, we're gonna, the guy doesn't have a, a GMB listing, right? So he's Google. My business is awful. We're gonna fix that. We're gonna get some reviews from past clients. He's got a, a database of 1500 patients that he's never emailed. This is so easy. We're gonna get reviews to pump up his Google rankings. We're gonna put in a automated review funnel so that everyone that leaves the practice then gives a review. We're gonna do a dedicated email campaign to his existing database to get them to come in for hygiene plans, which the nurses run and the doctor doesn't have to do. We're also gonna go hard on promoting cosmetic, uh, services, Invisalign, whitening, all that kind of stuff. And that might take three months to actually net the first client. But in 90 days from now, the plan is to have the dentist only working four days a week, Fridays and Saturday mornings are just hygiene plans. Speaker 0 00:31:06 Or maybe he does a couple hours on Saturday for people who can't get there during the week. It's, uh, all hygiene plans that the nurses run free him up, uh, increase the profit and, and he gets a day a week. Right. And what we're also gonna do is we're gonna teach him and his nurses how to talk to people when they're in the seat about whitening and cosmetic services and Invisalign, right? Because he's not having that conversation right now because he doesn't know how to. And so we are gonna do that research and come up with the best practice framework and teach him how to have that conversation. Right. Which is easy by the way, like just go to Google and figure that out. It's super easy to figure that out. Like, it'll take you a half a half an hour to actually come up with a framework that he can use or a new script that his receptionist can use when they answer the phone to book in more appointments or whatever the thing is. Speaker 0 00:31:52 So you don't need to do that for him, but you need to be providing information to help him fix those parts of the practice. Right? So that's what we would do in the background on the front end. We're gonna tell him that we're gonna, he help him sell more profitable services free out one day a week. And we're gonna do that using the dental practice playbook or whatever it's bloody called. It doesn't matter. Okay. So what does that look like? Well, if you're a robot, you would say this, we help time, poor dentists who are trapped on the treadmill of their practice, grow their revenue, increase profits and rescue at least one day per week using our proprietary dental practice play book. Okay. If you're a human being and you're talking to a dentist, you might say something like, well, uh, typically speaking, we work with dentists who are time poor, kind of stuck on the treadmill of their own practice. Uh, we help them grow their revenue, sell more profitable services. Typically we free up a day per week for the dentist that we work with. And we do that using our proprietary dental practice playbook. That's just an authentic, Speaker 1 00:32:48 That's much more conversational. Yeah. You just turn into a conversation. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:32:52 And then the dentist gonna start asking questions. Huh? How do you do that? How do Speaker 1 00:32:55 You do that? Just the dentist practice playbook, Speaker 0 00:32:58 Right? Then we do Speaker 1 00:32:59 I, how do I get Speaker 0 00:32:59 One? Correct. Then we start having a conversation about how we do it. We don't talk about the technical stuff. We don't talk about SEO. We don't talk about blah, blah, blah. Now, same amount of fricking work. Ladies and gentlemen, it's, it's a website. It's SEO. It's email. It's lead capture. It's the care plans, right? Is a dentist gonna pay 1500 bucks a month for this kind of promise? Hell yes. The right dentist will, is a dentist gonna pay 1500 bucks a month for a website and SEO? No, they're not. So back to the quote from our Reese, instead of trying to change, someone's mind just change the conversation, right? Because they don't have any thoughts about that conversation because they're not thinking about it. They're thinking I need a website and I probably need someone to do SEO for me. I don't understand it, but I know I need it. Speaker 0 00:33:47 And I've heard it's pretty cheap. Right? And then someone comes along with this. They haven't even thought about that. It's like the great example of this is when Russell Brunson launched click funnels. I was thinking about this the other night, the man's a genius. Everyone is talking about websites, websites, websites, websites, websites, websites, websites, websites. Russell says you don't need a website. I was like, what? He's like saying the exact opposite to what everyone else is saying. You don't need a website. What do you mean? You need a funnel? What's a funnel and $8 million a month in recurring revenue later. He's got the meeting outta the Palm of his hand, cuz he just completely switched the conversation, which is what I would be saying to dentist. By the way, if I was talking to Dennis, I'm like, you don't need a website. You need a playbook for making your practice more profitable. Huh? Do you do that? Do you? Well, matter of fact, we do. And that's your job is to figure that out and to do that, you don't have to become a coach. Know you don't have to become a, you know, whatever you think that looks like you don't have to run a mastermind or run live events for dentist and be a dental coach. But you need to help them solve all of the problems. They've got a combination of done for you and information. Speaker 1 00:34:59 Right. And the, the, the skeptics are gonna say that there's there's missing pieces. How do I find this stuff out? And like you said, it's all in Google. Um, but how do I like, for instance, how do I get the best practices for running a dental office? Like how do I do that? If I've never like I've never run a dental office. How do I know if, if, even if I've worked with dentists before, how do I know that? How do I get that information? Speaker 0 00:35:24 Let me share my screen. Speaker 1 00:35:25 I'm giving you a letter. I'm giving you a Speaker 0 00:35:27 Letter. I know you are. Thank you very much. It took me seven seconds to figure this out, right? Uh, if the dentist says, well, you know what I really wanna do, right? My, I really want to just sell more Invisalign. Right? So I, and I dunno how to do that. I I'm a, I'm a marketer, right? But I reckon I can figure this out. I'm pretty smart. I mean, I've figured a lot out, I've figured out how to build websites. I figured out how to do SEO. I reckon I can figure this out. So, um, I would just go to Google and go dentist increase Invisalign services. And I would go secret dentist incentives, drive growth in teeth, straighteners. Oh, traditional braces prescribed by registers. Numbers can cost them. Does not mention that there's a news article. Invisalign cost, how much profit a dentist make from Invisalign, a diamond provider diamond provider selling 150 cases could build their clients an estimated $975,000. Based on typical pricing of the product of that Invisalign is paid 517,000 representing the wholesale price, which would leave the dentist with a profit of $457,000. Speaker 1 00:36:30 That's 150 clients and a half a million. Speaker 0 00:36:33 There you go. There's nothing here. These are all dental practices, right? So I would then come back here and I would go dental. I would go dentist marketing increase, Invisalign services, Invisalign treatment Invisalign, clear aligners, da, da, da. Here we go. The B2C and B2B marketing, transf transformation, helping Invisalign. I would bookmark that Invisalign marketing for dentists. Now Speaker 1 00:36:58 We're Speaker 0 00:36:59 I would bookmark that align technology uses a new campaign to enhance this project. It's all about the B of the orthodontist and how it's okay. So that's a article on a marketing campaign. I would bookmark that, uh, here we look at this aligner advantage, helping top tier dental practices grow, do more Invisalign veneer and implant treatments and potentially increase revenue by over $600,000 in 12 months without more clinical hours. Boom, ladies and gentlemen, I now you would think that this is scripted clearly. It's not right. I'm not that good. An actor. And I know Pete does a bit of amateur theater, but he's not that good an actor either. So we couldn't make this shit up now. Now what? Now here's what I've done previously. Let me go to go. Let me go to my Google drive for a moment. I did this recently at, uh, MACOM and I dentist dentist to increasing the lifetime value of customers, lifetime value of patients. Speaker 0 00:37:50 So I did this, it took me seven seconds to find a Google search. And then I gave this to my copywriter, uh, Beck, and it took her about 24 hours to turn this around. And now we have this epic guide here, which I'm doing nothing with. I just did this as an example where this epic guide here on how dentist can increase the lifetime value of their patients. I would turn this into a playbook, right? I'll show you an example of a playbook. In a moment, I would turn this into a playbook and give it to my dentist and go, Hey, we, we are not gonna actually talk to your clients for you. But, uh, here are some ways that you can think about starting to increase the lifetime value of your patients. The first thing you've gotta do is work out the lifetime value of your patients. Speaker 0 00:38:24 Do you know what that is? No. Well, here's a formula. Go figure it out. Right? And then we're gonna talk about episodic versus lifelong care. Eh, then we need to create a memorable new patient experience. Eh, what's that I would stick a trademark on the end of that. Right? And go, there we go. Create a memorable new patient experience. Right? And, and it's all here, right? <laugh> I mean, turn this into a beautiful playbook. Let me show you an example of a playbook. We do this, uh, here we go. The Mavericks playbook. Here we go. Here's a playbook for running a sales call. Take some screenshots, take some screenshots. Here's a beautiful playbook. Now you would brand this yourself. You would have, you know, dental rank 2.0 right. Or whatever it's called the new patient experience playbook. Right? And then you just have the, the, you know, the description here of, you know, the why the script, what they need to do, the checklist, whatever it is, right. Speaker 0 00:39:12 Here's a playbook. So this is our playbook for agencies running a sales call. It's all here. We give this to our agency clients, right? You would have a playbook and you would give to dentists. The other example I wanna show is the where's the local SEO one. Here we go. Here's the local SEO accelerator playbook that we give our agency clients, which is basically a checklist, right? So here's why you should run local SEO. Here's what's included. And then here's the checklist month, one month, two month, three. Here's how to do it. This is Pete Perry's. Who's that Speaker 1 00:39:37 Handsome Speaker 0 00:39:37 Guy. Here we go. Local SEO accelerator. This is an example of a playbook. It's a beautifully branded PDF that you give them. So what we did is we took this, the dentist guide to increasing the lifetime value of patients. I would turn that into a playbook and give that to my in fact, I would use it as a lead magnet. I would give one of these away as a lead magnet to then get on the phone and have a conversation with the dentists, not about building websites and doing SEO. That's a given man. Like that's, we're just gonna do that. Anyway, we do that for our dental rank platinum clients or whatever the, you know, thing is, right. Come back to the aligner advantage. Right. You know, that's what, that's what I mean. That's basically what these guys do here is help dentist grow. Look at that. I mean, seriously, come on, ladies and gentlemen. Wow. Get rid of the cheesy stock images. <laugh> so the answer to the question is you don't need to know how to do all this stuff. You just need to know how to use Google. Uh, and Speaker 1 00:40:32 You can take it to the next level by having the playbook with a video that accompanies it and like, Speaker 0 00:40:38 You know, correct. Speaker 1 00:40:39 Take it to the next level. Speaker 0 00:40:41 Anonymous Facebook. Oh, hello. Phone's ringing. That's my wife. Should I bring her on the call? Uh, anonymous Facebook user says the secret offering is you are a community builder for your clients. The nuts and bolts are your domain to make it easy on yourself, to build it and manage it well for low cost and topnotch quality. Guess it's just a matter of choosing an industry to serve. Yes, exactly. And it is from Australia so we can steal it for the us market. Exactly. Uh, Martin, what happens? This is a great question. What happens when a client starts sending a long list of features or changes? How do we cover the demanding situations where clients link to as their inspiration Martin Sanders? This, my friend comes down to a beautiful thing that I learned back in 2007. It was, I learned the concept of positioning. Speaker 1 00:41:25 Yes. Speaker 0 00:41:26 Tell me the last time you went to the dentist to continue the example and said, uh, hello, Dr. Bob, while you are in there. Uh, I think I might also want you to, um, make that tooth there. Blue? Speaker 1 00:41:41 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:41:41 No, just for fun. Can you do that for me while you're there please? Oh, I'm gonna paint any extra. Just make that blue. Will you, what do you think the dentist is gonna say? I'm sorry, mate. We don't do blue teeth. Oh, but as a guy down the road with this fancy Mohawk and a blue tooth and I really like it. Sorry mate, we don't do blue teeth. We're here to fix your teeth. We don't do blue teeth. Now he's a dentist. He's in your mouth with sharp utensils who wins that argument who wins that argument. Right. And there's a nurse with a vacuum in the inside of your cheek and a dentist with a knife in your mouth who wins that argument? The dentist wins, right? It's called positioning Martin. Yeah. Yeah. The, if they are sending you features or changes and linking to as their inspiration, the simple fact is they don't trust you. Speaker 0 00:42:30 That's the reality. Yep. If they trust you, they will trust you to do your job and you can tell them to do their job. Right. You do your job. Let us do our job. Right. I mean, not my number one question. When someone sends me a feature request or we, we actually have this with agencies who come to us and say, Hey, can I, can I get access to that thing you were talking about on the live stream? And I'm like, sure, what do you need right now? Oh, I just want, I just want that thing that you mentioned. Why? Speaker 1 00:42:55 Yeah. You get that a lot actually. Speaker 0 00:42:57 Right? Why, what are you trying to achieve in the next 30 days? Speaker 1 00:43:00 Right? No, I don't know. I just saw somebody else at it and it looked really cool. So I think I need it. Speaker 0 00:43:06 Right? Speaker 1 00:43:06 It's like, it's like going to your doctor and saying, Hey, can you gimme that medicine for, uh, that allergies? Well, you don't have allergies. Well that's okay. The commercial looked good. <laugh> Speaker 0 00:43:16 That's right. I love that ad with the guys in the backyard, having a barbecue with these kids. And he was not, it's like, dude, you haven't sneezed in 50 years. You don't have allergies. I know, but the ad looks so good. I want the medicine. Right? So that's how you answer that question, Martin. It's like, if that's happening to your brother, they just don't trust you. Has this been helpful? Oh, by the way, we should announce we have a training that is live right now, willing Speaker 1 00:43:37 For Speaker 0 00:43:37 This. We have a training right now. That is, Speaker 1 00:43:41 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:43:42 It's called the godfather method. Let me just pull it up here and uh, show you what's all out. Very Speaker 1 00:43:47 Excited. The other day, a couple Speaker 0 00:43:48 Weeks ago, very excited about this. Uh, it's called the godfather method and what basically the godfather method is a deep dive into helping you create offers at your prospects. Can't refuse. Right? So the godfather method, how would you like to double or triple your revenue for the work you are already doing? The, uh, we talk a little bit here about the problem is that you are selling commodities. If you are in the business of selling websites and SEO, then you are selling commodities. Good luck trying to build a profitable business at those price points. Our said the single most wasteful thing you can do in marketing is to try and change your mind. So don't, don't change the mind, change the conversation, right? We have some testimonials here from some of our clients who have been through some of this training and taken action and, uh, transform their business, the seven elements of an offer. Speaker 0 00:44:34 They can't refuse. We kind of walk through this a little bit today. There's some more detail here. Here are the details on the godfather method. This is open for a very short period of time. In fact, it closes in three days and what we are gonna do is we're gonna work. This is not drip fed. So, uh, the training rolls out next week. It's available next week, we are enrolling clients now into the godfather method. It rolls out next week. You can binge on it. You could get through it in an afternoon. Okay? And we're gonna help you create offers your prospects. Can't refuse. And here are, here are the elements. I'm gonna walk through the elements right now, right? Who is it for? What's the problem they currently have? What are your pillars of transformation? What is your signature system? What is their desired outcome? Speaker 0 00:45:16 What are your stepping stones or quick wins? And then what is your ultimate trigger? To get them to take action and start paying you 1500 a month for the work you are already doing, right? Rather than selling it ad hoc and waiting for them to come to you and responding to their requests. Let's get way more proactive about this. Make them an offer. They can't refuse and get them onto a $1,500 month payment plan, uh, a signature system. That's where it should start by the way, $1,500 a month is where your signature system should be starting. Where if Maverick selling signature systems for 3,800 a month, 3,800 a month, ladies and gentlemen is, uh, 45,600 a year from one client. You don't net like you get 15 of those clients. And you're almost at seven figures, right? 45, 6 by 15, 680 $4,000. You're almost at three quarters of a million dollars in revenue. Same amount of work, just a different offer. Okay. So Speaker 1 00:46:12 Martin wants to know how does this compare to the sales accelerator? Speaker 0 00:46:15 Great question. So this full transparency, this is in sales accelerator. If you are in sales accelerator, don't need, you don't need to buy the godfather method because you get this. This is in sales accelerator. Uh, Martin, this is where you use your offer. Sales accelerator is a complete sales process and sales pipeline. Are you in sales accelerator? Martin is Martin in sales accelerator? No. Okay. Martin, what the hell is wrong Speaker 1 00:46:41 With you? Were, were you in the previous version of sales accelerator though? That's what I wanna know. Speaker 0 00:46:45 Okay. Uh, if, if you, if you, in sales accelerator, you'll understand the process, the sales process from start to finish, right? Where you use your offer is right at the start of the sales process, to get people, to raise their hand and express interest in what it is you're doing. And then write at the end of the sales process to close the deal. That's where you use your offer. You tease the offer at the start and you present the offer at the finish of that sales process, which can take typically anywhere from, you know, I've seen it happen in 72 hours to three months, depending on the client and the price point of your signature system. So you use it at the start to trigger the sales process, and then you use it at the end to close the deal. This is one piece of sales accelerator training. Speaker 0 00:47:29 It's a deep dive into the offer into creating an offer that your prospects can't refuse. It's not the entire sales accelerator process. Cuz the sales accelerator process is all the automations. You need all the different scripts and templates you need. And the, the different phone calls that you have and the structure for the, the sales calls and the implementation, the sales pipeline, the software, all of that stuff. This is just one. This is one piece of it. Yeah. It's deliver of it. Yeah. This is suit like having an offer that your client, that your prospects can't refuse will help all of your marketing. So if you've already got sales accelerated, this is gonna help accelerate that. If you've got a high ticket sales funnel, this will help with conversions. If you're running ads, this will help with conversions. If you are networking, if you, if you're old school doing like networking events, this is definitely gonna, if you're in B and I, this is massively gonna help because you no longer stand up and say, I build websites and do S sci for local businesses while everyone else goes, not another bloody web designer who does SEO boring right here. Speaker 0 00:48:30 You can stand up at BNI and say, we help. Typically we help dentists to a time poor kind of trap doing low profit services in their practice. Uh, we help them get off the tools rescue a day a week and make them way more profitable. Uh, and we do that using a proprietary method. We've built called the dental practice playbook version 2.4 and people are like, oh no. So have you got any dentists? You can refer to me. Yes. Right. Try going to B. And I and saying, I build websites. Do you have any small businesses you can refer to me. I mean, that is like, that is so that is such, I mean it's possible, but it is such a hard, such a hard slog because I don't know how to refer someone to you. Right. Small business owner needs a website. I mean, there's nothing unique about that. Speaker 0 00:49:11 There's nothing specific about that. Right. So anyway, Martin, does that answer that question, Martin, you should just jump in a saves accelerator dude and, uh, and get this as part of it. Uh, so, uh, so here here's part one of the training, uh, it's a two part training part. One is, uh, uh, basically how to work out the, all the worksheets and the video training. They're super short videos too. Like, seriously, you'll get through this in probably an afternoon or maybe two afternoons. Right do part one, one afternoon, take a break, have a sleep process. It come back the next day do part two of the training. And, um, there's about, I don't know, 15 to 20 videos all up. They're super short, less than 10 minutes. So you can, you know, it's not massive. It's not drip that over six weeks, uh, you'll be able to binge on it pretty quickly and start taking action. Speaker 0 00:49:56 We're also gonna Dr. Put you in our community, which we run through circle. We'll put you in our community, uh, forum for ongoing support. Uh, uh, we'll be in there asking questions and, uh, to help you. And all we are talking about is your offer. We are just gonna get your offer, right? Uh, your job then is to get on the phone, um, and have more calls with your prospects and use the offer to sell new prospects and existing clients, upsell them into your signature system. We're not gonna talk about productizing. We're not gonna talk about hiring team members. We're not gonna talk about, uh, you know, profit margins. We're not gonna talk about SOPs. We're not gonna talk about any of that stuff. We're just gonna keep the conversation. Laser focused on one thing, which is creating an offer. Your prospects can't refuse, which is why it is called the godfather method. Speaker 0 00:50:44 Uh, and also we have this ridiculous 365 day money back guarantee. If you take the godfather method, you take the training you ask for help you do the work. If you don't close a new deal in the next 365 days using what you've learned, just email me and I'll give you money back. You've got a full year to come in and test this out. You've got a full year to come in and tell I'm nuts to come in and test this out. And if it doesn't work, if you don't close a deal, all you gotta do is send us, uh, the work that you've done. We, we give you a spreadsheet so that you can keep a log of the calls that you have, right? If you come to me in a years, time and go, well, I had a call with Johnny, the crash repairer, and I tried what I learned and it didn't work. Speaker 0 00:51:25 And I've done one call in the last year. I'm not gonna give you a refund. Okay. You've gotta do the work. Okay. I Gar like, I'm not, I know that I'm just not gonna have to give anyone a refund because if you do the work, this will work. It just, I mean, I've seen it when just seen it happen way too many times for it to be an accident, but I'm gonna guarantee it. If you do the work and you, uh, email us your log, your spreadsheet, share the spreadsheet with him, say, Hey, look, I've done all these calls, man. And it hasn't fricking worked and you ask for help. And we, we work with you and we help you craft your offer. That doesn't work. I'll give you your money back, cuz I don't want you to waste money on stuff that doesn't work. That's why I'm offering this guarantee because I know it works. Spend a lot of fun. Uh, go check out the godfather method. It closes in a few days. So don't miss out because we're gonna shut the doors. Okay. And I dunno if we're ever gonna open it again, frankly. I yeah. Get, get Speaker 1 00:52:07 Either get in that or get in sales accelerator, Speaker 0 00:52:09 But let's go. That's not some kind of BS, you know, scarcity hour kind of thing either. Uh, scarcity scarcity hour, the scarcity hour. Uh, we are closing the doors, uh, in a few days and then we're done. So, uh, get into the godfather method. Uh, hit us up on support if you've got any questions, have a great day. Pete Perry, Pete crispy butter Perry. Thanks for hanging out again brother. See us talk soon. Bye now. Speaker 3 00:52:31 Bye. Speaker 2 00:52:32 Thanks for listening to the agency hour podcast, subscribe it. Apple podcasts, Spotify, audible, and wherever you like to listen, you can catch all of the agency hour episodes on our YouTube channel at Mavericks. Or you can get involved, check out our free digital Mavericks Facebook group, where we broadcast these episodes live for our community every week, along with a ton of free training. We'll see you there.

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